Heading to Winjas/Crazy Bats first before the masses shift over from the major rides near the entrances is always the best tactic.
Yes but very rarely do I want the 37 year sit down Ginsters Pasty has over BatsBoth offer great extended sit downs.
Geister at least has stuff to look at during this.
Surely the deeply boring Feng Ju Palace preshow takes the biscuit? Don't even get to sit down for that one.
You want Passporto Ordinario to submit your passport but that is Italian, not German!! Never had to do online check-in a phantasialand so must be a new thing but it certainly is a curious language choice on their part!Staying at hotel Charles Lindbergh on April 19/20th and online check in is an absolute nightmare. If anyone can translate what this section is, I’d be eternally grateful.
I would assume that “document type” is passport, right? So why are none of the options available anything that I would recognise?!