The game overall looks really great.
- Station design is exactly the same as PC1
- No separate offload stations (RCT3 managed this)
- Water slide physics simply non existant (RCT3 managed this)
- Peeps crowding together when the paths are plenty wide enough to not need to
- No swing launches or transfer tracks despite trick/switch tracks being introduced (perhaps this will be available on future DLC coasters?)
- Hotels and restaurants seemingly not in the game despite there literally being a “Resort” theme
- Fireworks seemingly not in the game despite a reworked event sequencer that would make displays so much easier to program (RCT3 managed this)
- Some unrealism with coasters, eg the dive coaster’s holding brake exiting immediately at a 90-degree angle
- Excluding some of the world’s most popular/common coaster types, eg Intamin multi-launches, Vekoma SLCs, Mack Extreme Spinners (again, hopefully these will surface in a future DLC)
Frontier have given with one hand and taken away with the other, it would appear. Don’t get me wrong, some of the new features look absolutely incredible, with extreme levels of detail and realism (I mean, the way the switch tracks move and stop is excellent), but then they can’t fix some of the community’s biggest bug bears like stations and slide physics despite being possible 20 years ago?
I was optimistic that they’d be holding back some surprises for release, but after the Deep Dive on Wednesday and seeing that a number of content creators have got their hands on the game slightly early, confirming the above, leaves me unsure as to whether to bother pre-ordering, or just wait until bugs are fixed and the game is discounted in several months’ time.
…Or am I just being a miserable sod because I REALLY wanted offload stations more than anything else in this game?