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Planet Coaster Showcase


TS Member
Favourite Ride
POTC Disneyland Paris
Good evening, while waiting for Planet Coaster 2 I have been visiting many, many community made parks and attractions. I thought a thread would be good to showcase some of the simply amazing creations made by the community. There are so many. One of the great features (of many) that I love about Planet Coaster, is how easy it is to download community made parks. Not only that, if the park comes with custom scenery (many now do) the game will simply automatically download all the scenery required and then add it to your library to use. It can take a while for big parks to first load while it slowly downloads all the CS, but the fact it does it and automatically is a huge plus. I hope this will be improved for PC2, because it is a Steam workshop limitation and the CS downloads are one by one and incredibly slow due to the Steam download process. But, it does work and it works automatically once started.

All of this is captured on the PC version of the game where custom scenery AND no build limits exist. This one attraction along would probably use up most of the Oswald Eugene Counter on PS5 or Xbox Series consoles, let alone the rest of the park the ride is placed within.

Anyway, I will start off with a Journey to Atlantis inspired ride from the amazing Mythica - Land of Myths and Legends park.

Aigaion - God of Violent Seas

Entering the queue entrance building we immediately decend down into the ground, ready to start the adventure!

The queue meanders back and forth through some ancient ruins.

We enter a village at night, this village is where we will start our adventure from. The ride can be seen meandering through the arches as we wait in line.

As we cross a bridge, the ride trough passes below. Time to enter the station.

In the station building, our adventure can finally begin! All of the queue is built indoors, in a show building that is cleverly crafted to give the appearance we have just walked across a bridge outside, at night, in a village. This is however is fake, it is all part of the show.

The downlights and enclosed space gives little clue to the adventure that awaits...

As we launch into a small village and round a few bends, we ascend into this beautifully lit portal.

The peace and tranquillity is soon disturbed as this foreboding figure presents herself as we crest the lift.

To escape, we race back through the village and into some caves, as we cruise over an airtime hill, a large figure lights up as we duck below it and descend deeper into the caves...

All of the show lighting is cleverly hidden behind the rocks. This hides the lights and helps create the atmosphere and immersion.

Leaving the caves later, the dark night continues and we find ourselves in an abandoned village in the middle of a raging storm.

The attention to lighting in this whole attraction was a very careful craft, pictures like this showcase it best.

After a coaster ride and a drop back into darkness, we come face to face to the God of Violent Seas complimented with a symphony of lighting and fire!

Turning a corner after our encounter with Aigaion, doors open wide and we are treated to a spectacular view!

Refreshing on this hot day! The building in view holds another secret, hidden within is a fully themed Tower Of Terror style drop ride, you can see part of the ride in this picture.

Taken from the air...Hades, the drop tower ride that utilises a ride system similar to Tower Of Terror can be seen more clearly here. The picture does not show however, the detailed scenery pieces and sets that this ride has inside.

For your enjoyment, a POV I recorded.

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItUEtY01-EQ

There are some truly great rides in this park, I will show more soon. They are too good not to show!

Please feel free to share anything you think is great that you have found.
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Blimey the stuff posted on here is absolutely incredible! The sheer creativity, attention to detail and (what I'm guessing) time committed to these creations is commendable!

I've recently tried my hand at Planet Coaster again, particularly on what do do with the air car park. Had a quick play and managed to come up with this fairly compact, launched Mack Rides coaster. 2 inversions, and plenty of airtime with near-miss moments. I figured by excavating a lake in the area of the Galactica turnaround, it provides both a scenic "Arena" to showcase the new coaster, whilst also allowing Galactica to integrate somewhat.

The excavation of that part of the site allows for some muck to be moved to the north of the site, creating a bund suitable for the ride's highest point below the treelike (assuming new trees are planted on it). This is what I've got so far, although by no means complete!

Screenshot 2024-08-04 at 14.38.40.pngScreenshot 2024-08-04 at 14.36.36.pngScreenshot 2024-08-04 at 14.41.53.png

You'll notice it only uses about 1/3 of the "Air Car Park", so quite good space-utilisation wise. Ideally I'd like the queue to go through the central pagoda into a tunnel, emerging onto the other side of the coaster to provide a viewpoint there. I'd also hope to include a pre-launch pre-show in the station/launch building. That's if I get round to it! :p
Blimey the stuff posted on here is absolutely incredible! The sheer creativity, attention to detail and (what I'm guessing) time committed to these creations is commendable!

I've recently tried my hand at Planet Coaster again, particularly on what do do with the air car park. Had a quick play and managed to come up with this fairly compact, launched Mack Rides coaster. 2 inversions, and plenty of airtime with near-miss moments. I figured by excavating a lake in the area of the Galactica turnaround, it provides both a scenic "Arena" to showcase the new coaster, whilst also allowing Galactica to integrate somewhat.

The excavation of that part of the site allows for some muck to be moved to the north of the site, creating a bund suitable for the ride's highest point below the treelike (assuming new trees are planted on it). This is what I've got so far, although by no means complete!

Screenshot 2024-08-04 at 14.38.40.pngScreenshot 2024-08-04 at 14.36.36.pngScreenshot 2024-08-04 at 14.41.53.png

You'll notice it only uses about 1/3 of the "Air Car Park", so quite good space-utilisation wise. Ideally I'd like the queue to go through the central pagoda into a tunnel, emerging onto the other side of the coaster to provide a viewpoint there. I'd also hope to include a pre-launch pre-show in the station/launch building. That's if I get round to it! :p

Love it!