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PortAventura: General Discussion

I know for Shambhala they reckon there’s a risk of valleying with an empty train.

I don’t know what they do at the start of the day.

I did see them cycle an empty train once, when they were putting the 3rd train on. However with that 3rd train, they moved it into the station, did numerous tests of the restraints locking/unlocking but unusually didn’t sent it around empty and just let people (including me) on. Perfectly fine though.

At the very end of the night you also may also be asked to exit from the switch track before the station, again so they don’t have to send the train empty (and you sort of get an evac cred).
Can confirm the above, last time I was there we were very surprised to be asked to get out behind the station after riding Shambhala's last train of the night, especially considering there was no catwalk on the right side of the train resulting in a potential fall risk.

Even BPB sometimes send PMBO empty (and unsandbagged) after running all day
Can confirm the above, last time I was there we were very surprised to be asked to get out behind the station after riding Shambhala's last train of the night, especially considering there was no catwalk on the right side of the train resulting in a potential fall risk.

Even BPB sometimes send PMBO empty (and unsandbagged) after running all day
Does that count as an evac cred?
I can confirm that I did eventually see empty test trains for Red Force, as they sent quite a few prior to opening it! I also, rather interestingly, saw them pull the train slowly all the way along the launch track and then slowly pull it back again. I’ve never seen that before:
It eventually started running at 6:30pm, 1.5 hours after park opening. The full trip report will be coming later, but I managed to get one ride on Red Force, and my impression based on that one ride is that it’s an absolutely fantastic coaster, but that I perhaps controversially prefer Stealth.
Sorry to double post, but does anyone know why Shambhala and Dragon Khan can seemingly only run in windy weather if they take off a train and run on 1?

It’s a little windy here today, and Shambhala couldn’t open until they took off a train. Dragon Khan also opened late and appears to only be running one train, and both rides are running announcements about “running on reduced capacity due to adverse meteorological conditions”.

Is it something akin to The Big One, where there are fast and slow trains?
Surely if that were the reason you could just hold the 2nd train in the station until the 1st reaches the brakes. In my experience of Shambhala ops that would make precisely zero difference to normal throughput
Surely if that were the reason you could just hold the 2nd train in the station until the 1st reaches the brakes. In my experience of Shambhala ops that would make precisely zero difference to normal throughput

It would make a difference.

They usually stack 2 trains behind the station, not just 1
They actually only ran 2 trains in normal conditions when I was there, and there were times where the train was not stacking outside at all (albeit a small degree of waiting outside was probably more common than not).

By my reckoning, it usually tended to do about 800pph on 2 when I was timing. I’m not sure how that compares to normally, but given some of the diatribes I’ve heard about PortAventura over the years, that was not nearly as bad as I was expecting.