Enabling works cannot take place before planning permission is granted for the main development. Planning permission hasn't even been applied for.
The fences will be for site security and to prevent the ever increasing number of vloggers turning up to use the site as a backdrop, whilst wearing hard hats and/or sitting on camping chairs.
There's a public footpath that goes right through the Park Zone, that is how the vloggers get onto the parcel to use as a backdrop or sit around in camp chairs. So, if this fencing is purely to 'stop vloggers' it seems redundant.
*edit* They've also cut down the edges of the tree-line and projectuniversal (the drone yt guy) says a guy went along and removed flytipping and trash that was there. So this fencing feels like a part of a planned procedure, not something done cos of the annoying 'vloggers'. Maybe it's not 'enabling works' but it does signify that they are gearing up to do something.