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Rank Alton's coasters in terms of ride experience

How can you think a standard Gci woodie has a better layout than a ride that goes upside down a record amount in such a small footprint. You may enjoy Wicker mans layout more but ranking the layouts should be based on creativity not enjoyment
Should it though? Everyone’s ranking should be subjective to themselves and what they enjoy best. I prefer The Smiler over Wicker Man but understand it the other way round completely. You don’t have to argue with everyone who has a difference in opinion all the time 🤣
Should it though? Everyone’s ranking should be subjective to themselves and what they enjoy best. I prefer The Smiler over Wicker Man but understand it the other way round completely. You don’t have to argue with everyone who has a difference in opinion all the time 🤣
This isn’t about what ride you prefer it’s about which ride objectively has a better layout
0. Octonauts - Just super cute, always have a fun time with the boys on this one and can't really compare against the others so its earned position 0!

1.Nemesis Reborn - Regardless of the retrack, NR still has the nostalgia factor for me & I never stop appreciating the impressive design and engineering that went into its creation. Visually appealing, enjoyable layout, takes it with decent speed and always a treat! Whole package.
2.Wickerman - Hauls. Love a woodie for the look and ride experience, think the theme is great, Big Bob is perfect for Towers and the well considered soundtrack helps deliver a complete experience.
3. Oblivion - OG dive coaster. Still one of the only coasters to make me feel that little niggle of intimidation before riding. I class this as a 'similar' experience to Stealth... does one thing but does it well and makes you want to do it again and again!
4. Galactica - I want to get past the station and the plans that never were... but I can't... if that makes me petty, call me petty 😂 It's enjoyable, however, a 'Reborn' style re-imagining could really elevate the experience.
5. Rita - I enjoy it simply for what it is... not what it isn't and that's all I got to say about that 😂
6. Th13teen - I was such a Th13teen fan girl when it first launched. The concept was immaculate (at the time)... but the execution was just okay & ops have been pretty poor on all my recent visits.
7. RMT - Genuinely would have rated this much higher for the sheer fact I've never not laughed the entire way round! Love the interaction point too. Good family fun.
8. Spinball Whizzer - Not a huge fan of any type of Spinners, the only one I enjoy is Storm Chaser! It's a: 'it's not you, it's me' thing.
9. The Smiler - Last place for me. I could write an essay about why (Ethan - catch me outside, how bout dat? 🤷‍♀️) but I'd rather not so I'll say something mildly positive instead: The theme concept isn't the worst.
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Oblivion, Wickerman, Rita, Nemesis and even Spinball offer more exhilarating moments than The Smiler.

Sorry, I just think the Smiler is a bit of a chav fest semi themed ride that would be better suited to Thorpe. I wouldn’t miss it if it got torn down tomorrow.
0. Octonauts - Just super cute, always have a fun time with the boys on this one and can't really compare against the others so it's earned position 0!

1.Nemesis Reborn - Regardless of the retrack, NR still has the nostalgia factor for me & I never stop appreciating the impressive design and engineering that went into its creation. Visually appealing, enjoyable layout, takes it with decent speed and always a treat! Whole package.
2.Wickerman - Hauls. Love a woodie for the look and ride experience, think the theme is great, Big Bob is perfect for Towers and the well considered soundtrack helps deliver a complete experience.
3. Oblivion - OG dive coaster. Still one of the only coasters to make me feel that little niggle of intimidation before riding. I class this as a 'similar' experience to Stealth... does one thing but does it well and makes you want to do it again and again!
4. Galactica - I want to get past the station and the plans that never were... but I can't... if that makes me petty, call me petty 😂 It's enjoyable, however, a 'Reborn' style re-imagining could really elevate the experience.
5. Rita - I enjoy it simply for what it is... not what it isn't and that's all I got to say about that 😂
6. Th13teen - I was such a Th13teen fan girl when it first launched. The concept was immaculate (at the time)... but the execution was just okay & ops have been pretty poor on all my recent visits.
7. RMT - Genuinely would have rated this much higher for the sheer fact I've never not laughed the entire way round! Love the interaction point too. Good family fun.
8. Spinball Whizzer - Not a huge fan of any type of Spinners, the only one I enjoy is Storm Chaser! It's a: 'it's not you, it's me' thing.
9. The Smiler - Last place for me. I could write an essay about why (Ethan - catch me outside, how bout dat? 🤷‍♀️) but I'd rather not so I'll say something mildly positive instead: The theme concept isn't the worst.
I make this about right, not sure why Wickerman gets so much stick when it's probably the most re-ridable coaster they have and it usually isn't broken....
How can you think a standard Gci woodie has a better layout than a ride that goes upside down a record amount in such a small footprint. You may enjoy Wicker mans layout more but ranking the layouts should be based on creativity not enjoyment
That’s fair I was looking at it more on the angle where if you removed the theming for both and just had the tracks, Wickerman is more fun than smiler
Smiler lacks variety.
Sod off with yer inversions, pedants.
Many many people, and not just thoosies, say the small speed bunnyhops are the very best features of the ride.
The woodie bounces all over the shop, and, apart from boring corner, is entertaining and varied.
And short, but merlin...all that wasted energy rubbed out at the end...
Smiler lacks variety.
Sod off with yer inversions, pedants.
Many many people, and not just thoosies, say the small speed bunnyhops are the very best features of the ride.
The woodie bounces all over the shop, and, apart from boring corner, is entertaining and varied.
And short, but merlin...all that wasted energy rubbed out at the end...
Yeah I think wicker is a good All rounder, has good laterals, guaranteed floater, sometimes flojector at the back, straight drops, twisted drops, banked turns etc which just makes it so much more re-rideable like someone said above.

Smiler is great fun but if you removed say half the inversions I feel like the ride wouldn’t be much different if that makes sense? Also sometimes the airtime hills are GREAT, other times a non event
Smiler lacks variety.
Sod off with yer inversions, pedants.
Many many people, and not just thoosies, say the small speed bunnyhops are the very best features of the ride.
The woodie bounces all over the shop, and, apart from boring corner, is entertaining and varied.
And short, but merlin...all that wasted energy rubbed out at the end...
An interesting thing is that of the Smiler’s 14 inversions there is not one single vertical loop. It’s got a heartline roll, cobra roll, dive loops, etc but not one classic vertical loop. I think it’s that variety in the inversions that keeps it interesting as it doesn’t feel like you are being inverted 14 times.

Not that there’s anything wrong with a good old fashioned vertical loop, that’s all Olympia Looping is five times over and it’s an absolute classic.
Minus WM and Octonauts, as to my shame I haven’t visited since they opened. But alas, I have a trip planned for September.

Smiler (if inside seats…)

Spinball might have fared better if I didn’t have an inner ear problem which makes a tea cup a struggle for me, let alone a spinning coaster. But I have it a go!
An interesting thing is that of the Smiler’s 14 inversions there is not one single vertical loop. It’s got a heartline roll, cobra roll, dive loops, etc but not one classic vertical loop. I think it’s that variety in the inversions that keeps it interesting as it doesn’t feel like you are being inverted 14 times.

Not that there’s anything wrong with a good old fashioned vertical loop, that’s all Olympia Looping is five times over and it’s an absolute classic.
Lets be honest it isn't going to make it around a vertical loop without stalling anyway
There wouldn’t be room for a vertical loop anyway
they could have potentially for the batwing part, do a straight vertical loop then make it curve at the bottom, although it would be a very tight loop which may not even be feasible on a force/stress perspective
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