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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

This list of things to sort out is getting pretty well populated.
Agreed. So much of the park’s major infrastructure is quite literally rotting away. Sky ride out of action, a decrepit monorail with most of the trains beyond repair, Towers Street held together by questionable paint jobs to cover the cracks….that’s before we even get on to the state of some of the attractions- CRR, Galactica and the whole of X Sector.

Hopefully Nemesis’ retrack is a sign of things to come but I feel the pace needs to seriously improve in relation to infrastructure refurbishment.
Honestly what is actually going on at towers this year. Hex shut, sky ride shut, Spinball not even opened yet, Thirteen and Galactica not on 3 trains, Alton manor up and down constantly. One of the worst starts to a season in years
I’m assuming galactica has got its 3rd train back as it’s had 30m queues all day. Either that or no one likes it
I don’t think many people have even noticed, but sky ride is still down. There has been no communication about it from towers and I haven’t heard anyone even speaking about it. Again it’s just a sky ride but still is useful to use. Off the app aswell unlike spinball
When I visited a couple of weeks ago I noticed all the gondolas seemed to be outside around the back of the skyride station. Could see them from the monorail. They weren't even in the maintenance garage.
This list of things to sort out is getting pretty well populated.

That's always going to be the case. It's bit like when you decorate your house top to bottom....by the time you finish the last room the one you did first needs doing again.

Same is true of most theme parks across the world as well. It's not just Merlin owned ones. Even some Disney and Universal rides get into a bad state.
That's always going to be the case. It's bit like when you decorate your house top to bottom....by the time you finish the last room the one you did first needs doing again.

Same is true of most theme parks across the world as well. It's not just Merlin owned ones. Even some Disney and Universal rides get into a bad state.
Yeah, I get your general point, but it's not great when the Skyride is out of action, Spinball is unavailable, Hex is out of action, The Curse is being tampered with regularly and has had some downtime, The Smiler's appearance is a bit scruffy (as well as some other areas), Nemesis is out for the season and there are other daft things like they can't seem to make up their minds whether they want to keep the waterfalls operating on the rapids and also seemingly can't decide whether to bother opening Sub-Terra or not (remind me if I missed anything). Plus, they have months to prepare the place over winter whereas the places you mention probably stay open for longer throughout the year (without checking) so wouldn't have as much time and space to get things sorted and do maintenance over a closed winter period. I think they could be doing a bit better.
Yeah, I get your general point, but it's not great when the Skyride is out of action, Spinball is unavailable, Hex is out of action, The Curse is being tampered with regularly and has had some downtime, The Smiler's appearance is a bit scruffy (as well as some other areas), Nemesis is out for the season and there are other daft things like they can't seem to make up their minds whether they want to keep the waterfalls operating on the rapids and also seemingly can't decide whether to bother opening Sub-Terra or not (remind me if I missed anything). Plus, they have months to prepare the place over winter whereas the places you mention probably stay open for longer throughout the year (without checking) so wouldn't have as much time and space to get things sorted and do maintenance over a closed winter period. I think they could be doing a bit better.

I know what you mean.

I'd be happy with 2 less coasters at the park if the existing ones were kept better and ran more trains consistently.

Clearly there's maintenance issues. Are they getting enough time to do all they need to do? I'm not sure as I don't have all the facts.

They could remove Rita and Spinball though and I wouldn't bat an eye lid as I don't really go on either of them anymore.