Absolutely. In the parks defence they’ve managed to reopen Toxicator with an hour to go until park closure. Galactica remains closed…Shame it died for 2 months afterwards.
Least this issue is related to the actual ride itself.
Alton Towers may pay peanuts, but no one will work for free to staff these attractions.Zero Cost:
Open Hex
Open Skyride
Open CRR
This is the problem so far with the “influencer “ crowd. Other then a handful the rest are silent.. mission accomplished from an exclusive club for the parkLMaybe it’s time to reevaluate. The park has ZERO room for error and capacity, equalling a terrible and expensive day out.
Zero Cost:
Open Hex
Open Skyride
Open CRR
Cheap options:
Retheme dungeons
Reopen 4D cinema
Run existing rides at max capacity 24/7
Blade replacement
Open the Towers and Gardens for free “managed” walking tour
Medium cost:
Bring back the main stage and create new show
Mutiny Bay show
X Sector Flat ride
Extend park opening
High Cost:
Accelerate Project Horizon
And all the above
They won’t do any of these
And when PP closes it will get worse
The warning signs are there as they have been last year
Trip advisor, Google reviews, blogs/vlogs, time for the content creators to speak out (unless they like they’re cushy perks too much)
I hope so as well. The quick re-opening of Toxicator clearly shows that Towers can move fast when necessary.I feel sorry for anyone who's visited today and had to put up with the terrible availability but I also feel sorry the the park in the same way. It's not acceptable but they obviously don't want to have things shutting all the time. Rita for example was closed for over 6 hours and never re-opened. I hope it's just early season teething for everyone's sake
It's hard to feel sorry for the park when for most of last season availabilty was atrocious and for the last few years the opening days have been a debacle.but I also feel sorry the the park in the same way.
Alton Towers may pay peanuts, but no one will work for free to staff these attractions.
The staff budget hours, to operate these rides all day, will be used to extend the hours of the remainder of the park for Alton After Dark.
2 on Thirteen and 2 on Wicker Man isn’t good. It’s barely acceptable in either case.Trains avalible:
Trains avaliable was better than last year (we now have 6 on obliv, 2 wicker, 2 13, etc).
Fastrack tickets may be cheaper, at face value, but they end up costing the park more. There's much stricter limited availability of Fastrack, compared to park tickets, so the value of them is higher (even if the face value isn't).I asked Guest Services for a free Fastrack ticket, due to Toxicator closing after I had queued for an hour (and I never got to ride).
They offered me a free day return ticket instead, but I told them that this wasn't much good because I am a Merlin pass holder.
They eventually agreed and gave me a note with instructions to e-mail Alton Towers, but I was surprised at their hesitation (reluctance?) because surely Fastrack tickets are cheaper than day tickets and so would be the preferred method of compensation anyway?
compared to last year it is a big improvement,2 on Thirteen and 2 on Wicker Man isn’t good. It’s barely acceptable in either case.
Rita was also on 1 for the five minutes in the day it was actually open. Sorry, but that’s completely unacceptable.
This was my main thought; they probably don't want to set a precedent for compensating people with free Fastrack passes whenever a ride breaks down, given how often it seems to happen - plus the added headache of deciding how long you need to have been in a queue before qualifying for said pass.You're also not entitled to a guaranteed ride on an attraction, whether you queued for it or not, which is why there will have been some additional hesitation.