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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

I’ve not posted on here in a VERY long time, but now seems as good a time as ever.

Does anybody know if Rita has returned to two trains yet?

I’ll be visiting tomorrow and trying to work out if it’s worth heading there first to get it ticked off before it gets crazy.

Naturally my heart wants first ride of the season to be Nemmy!
Was still running just the one yesterday.

Queue averaged about 60 minutes on what felt like a quiet day in terms of visitor numbers.
I suspect Marauders will be busier this year than last now that Blade and Flavios have gone. Queue times are artificially inflated at the moment more generally due to closed rides and low capacity on many of the coasters. Long queues on the coasters will then push people towards the more minor rides.
You can’t infer much just from looking at the queue times without context - ie is the park rammed, are operations terrible, are rides not running at full capacity etc.

Would be a lovely time to have Hex and Rapids available though.
On park today. Just taking a break to check into the hotel.

Galactica is on 1 station 2 trains which is awful. Lucked out getting in the queue just after it opened but still ended up waiting for ages and lots of fast track being let through.

Nemesis seemed to be running well so maybe the team are getting to grips with stuff as I’d heard last week things were slow. Toxicator is moving pretty swiftly despite some brief downtime, and I really enjoyed it.

I will say queue times seem to be being over estimated today, which I’m ok with. Not massively inflated but maybe 10 minutes or so quicker so far.

I’ve not left forbidden valley yet, but having a good day still. I do wish hex etc were open and curse hasn’t been open for most of the day so far. We’ll see how things go as we get to night rides!
On park today. Just taking a break to check into the hotel.

Galactica is on 1 station 2 trains which is awful. Lucked out getting in the queue just after it opened but still ended up waiting for ages and lots of fast track being let through.

Nemesis seemed to be running well so maybe the team are getting to grips with stuff as I’d heard last week things were slow. Toxicator is moving pretty swiftly despite some brief downtime, and I really enjoyed it.

I will say queue times seem to be being over estimated today, which I’m ok with. Not massively inflated but maybe 10 minutes or so quicker so far.

I’ve not left forbidden valley yet, but having a good day still. I do wish hex etc were open and curse hasn’t been open for most of the day so far. We’ll see how things go as we get to night rides!
On park yesterday I must say that the Nemesis operations were very fast and it was only the odd seat that would be empty per train! Seems like they're improving
It’s heavily raining. Things are opening back up, but slowly.

Was just about to board 13 when it went down. They’d just sent a train out when the rain got heavier and they got stuck on the lift hill for probably 25/30 minutes. Lots of very unhappy guests coming off the train looking absolutely drenched.
Just a quick note (apologies for interrupting the FV weather delay discussion): I was at the park yesterday (21st March), and some of the queue boards around Forbidden Valley (and possibly elsewhere as well) stopped working correctly around 5 p.m. or so, as they incorrectly stated "Closed" when the ride itself was still open (Toxicator, Nemesis Reborn, and Galactica were all affected by this).

There was a notification on the ride app about this as well (see screenshot attached).

Galactica was especially confusing, because the app consistently stated a queue time of 60 minutes, the queue board stated "Closed", and yet the actual queue itself was under 10 minutes! (I know this because I managed to join well after the Fastrack merge point).

Nemesis Reborn may have confused some people because the ride stopped and started a few times due to the second train being removed and re-added, I think; Toxicator was clearly still open, and so many people probably ignored the queue board.

Guessing the heavy rain set off a lot of sensors possibly?
I can't imagine which sensors, the sensors I have seen are inductance (it works by detecting metal near by) so water shouldn't affect them (unless there is a defect allowing water ingress)

Galactica it makes a lot of sense (the trains are super sensitive and shouldn't be left out side in the rain) I am guessing the rest are to prevent injury from heavy rain (it can hurt quite a lot when doing 40+Mph with no protection, the other year I ended up doing Galactica during hail, was not fun)

edit: another name for the sensor is inductive proximity swich, it essentially works by having a few coils with an oscillator and using the second coil to detect when metal is causing impedance changes.
a google image to show it:
5 minutes is just the standard "walk on" time they use though, so it probably didn't. Still, a few extra flat rides would help operationally here

Yeah. Towers always use 5 mins at the lowest queue time. They never (or are told not to) use 0. Thorpe on the other hand do.
Please stop trying to make this happen. I vomit a little inside my beak every time I read this.

I hate to break to it to you, but ‘Gal’ I’ve heard a lot of staff use so assume that’s how it’s known in house.