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Scarefest 2022

Setting aside the issue that three of the mazes are returning from previous years, which I accept isn’t great, since most people will have experienced them, I don’t see this audio experience as necessarily a bad thing.

At least they are trying something different, I always thought doing 4 mazes in a row was a bit same-y anyway, maybe that’s just me.

At least this way there is some variety in the experiences.
I wonder if it will be like ghost train where staff touch the persons legs etc at set times to make it an audio, visual and sensory experience
Oh, I thought we already knew this?

It had been mentioned that Darkfield (https://www.darkfield.org) were supplying it along with Thorpes version.
I believe they previously presented Seance at Warwick Castle. Their shows link even mentions something about "Theme Parks" coming soon.

Seance comes built into a shipping container which is just dropped into the locaton fully ready to go, since construction has not started yet I would guess the same with these.
The containers for The Terminal at Thorpe were recently delivered, so I'd imagine that the ones for The Invitation will be delivered to Towers very soon.
I wonder if it will be like ghost train where staff touch the persons legs etc at set times to make it an audio, visual and sensory experience
I think that's very likely, because some of the press release seems to hint towards it;

"Enter the vault to choose your final resting place but proceed with caution, you will not be alone, some caskets have already been filled and their occupants are keen to meet you."
So are scare zones just a thing of the past now? Have they just completely scrapped doing them
Setting aside the issue that three of the mazes are returning from previous years, which I accept isn’t great, since most people will have experienced them, I don’t see this audio experience as necessarily a bad thing.

At least they are trying something different, I always thought doing 4 mazes in a row was a bit same-y anyway, maybe that’s just me.

At least this way there is some variety in the experiences.

I have no doubt that The Invitation will actually be pretty good, i just don’t think it’s a great substitute for a 4th maze. Look at Thorpe, they have The Terminal in addition to a new maze (which sounds insane and unique) and also a new scare zone (also sounds insane and unique)

Also the fact that we have 3 stale mazes returning yet again with no changes is the issue for me
There were a few fan accounts at the press night for Fright Nights last night tweeting away - none of them posted anything other than the description of the maze, no thoughts or positive comments to be seen. Never a good sign - especially when they are on a freebie and usually hype everything up.

My suspicion was it probably means it’s a bit pants. No idea if that will translate to the Towers version though.
There were a few fan accounts at the press night for Fright Nights last night tweeting away - none of them posted anything other than the description of the maze, no thoughts or positive comments to be seen. Never a good sign - especially when they are on a freebie and usually hype everything up.

My suspicion was it probably means it’s a bit pants. No idea if that will translate to the Towers version though.
We can only hope it is better, I mean Towers generally do things better and more professionally than Thorpe - you only have to look at Oktoberfest and Mardi Gras this year to see that. I know this is an external company but maybe there are various price points for their experiences and The Invitation is higher than the Terminal? Also, on TPWW's video, the queue line looked just like the Tensabarriers you'd see in Primark till queues. We've seen one picture where they have laid down graves in the queue line for The Invitation, so that's promising that Towers are doing more for their version. Fingers crossed.
TTPW's vlog of Fright Nights mentioned that the terminal has a simulated lift. The new trailer for the invitation also has a lift. I'm starting to think that these two attractions have the same template with a different theme.

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Will make more sense for Invitation as you have to go "down" to the burial chamber.