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Scarefest 2024

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I went to Scarefest for the first ever time yesterday (I’ve never been to Fright Nights at Thorpe Park, or any other scare event, either).

As a first-timer, a few things stood out to me (apologies if these have already been discussed); there are some minor spoilers below and so I have used the 'spoiler' tag to be safe:-

1) If you walk too closely to the person in front then this ruins the jump-scare surprises; I tried to pace myself by deliberately waiting at some of the entrances, although this seemed to cause some of the actors to move out of position (they wrongly assumed that the corridors were empty and so accidentally revealed themselves).

Compound seems to have somewhat solved this problem (intentionally or not) by holding people at gates at specific intervals.

2) This might just have been me, but it took me nearly 5 minutes to work out what I was supposed to do in Daz games; the intro video mentions that there are symbols next to everybody’s name, but I didn’t realise that you have to scan these specific symbols in order to complete the maze! I’d initially assumed that the symbols were for anonymity, or to identify individuals in case multiple people had the same name (which was the case during my run-through). Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention to the video, though (or maybe it was deliberately left unclear in order to encourage people to go through again!).

3) If you purchase the Early combo ticket (as I did) then you only have 2 hours to complete all 4 mazes; I managed to complete them in time, but there wasn’t much time to spare and so 3 hours might have been better (although this may have risked overlapping with the late ticket holders).

4) This is only a minor point, but I ended up going the wrong way several times – particularly in the Mine maze, whereby the entrance confusingly states “No Entry” (this was probably for effect, but I mistook it as a literal instruction).

5) This is probably my fault, but I didn’t realise until afterwards that there are free scare zones available as well (Burial Grounds); I couldn’t find details or directions to any of the scare attractions on the Alton Towers app (unlike the Thorpe Park app, which has a dedicated Fright Nights section), and so I had to rely on asking staff and checking the map near Spinball Whizzer.
This is probably my fault, but I didn’t realise until afterwards that there are free scare zones available as well (Burial Grounds); I couldn’t find details or directions to any of the scare attractions on the Alton Towers app (unlike the Thorpe Park app, which has a dedicated Fright Nights section), and so I had to rely on asking staff and checking the map near Spinball Whizzer.

The Alton Towers app does have a dedicated Scarefest list and the mazes are all on the map. I can view it now despite not being in the park but i presume if i was it would also offer directions from my current location.

If you go to "explore" and then tap the search bar you will see it all. Agree that it's not as clear or intuitive as the Thorpe Park equivalent.
The Alton Towers app does have a dedicated Scarefest list and the mazes are all on the map. I can view it now despite not being in the park but i presume if i was it would also offer directions from my current location.

If you go to "explore" and then tap the search bar you will see it all. Agree that it's not as clear or intuitive as the Thorpe Park equivalent.
D'oh! I can see it now that you point out how to find it. I wish that I had known this yesterday!

Thank you for clarifying this.


Also: this isn't directly related to Scarefest itself, but yesterday was the first time that I have ever driven back from AT in darkness, and riding (South-bound) at night-time with no streetlights on fast winding country roads wasn't much fun for me, so take care if you are planning on staying late (especially if it's raining or icy, obviously).
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I just came out of Daz Games heres my first impressions.

It wasn't as good as last year, even if I had a bad run in which I spent half the maze p*ssing about with one of those "challenges" the maze just wasn't as good, they tried to inject more story and set pieces into it and it just doesn't work in an attraction like this.

Full review at some point.
I was there yesterday as well, a slow start but a good day in the end. To start off, the decorations on Towers Street are great this year!


Compound is awesome, I absolutely loved it! I will 100% be doing it again next year. It is very intense; you will be touched, you will be grabbed, you will be intimidated, and at one point I had an actor right in my face (so if you're not comfortable with people invading your personal space, I don't recommend it)! You will also be split from your group, although two of my group managed to stay together by tightly linking arms (I also linked on at first as we got put in the same cell but got dragged away!) The theming inside is outstanding, and there are so many routes! It really is the perfect maze in my opinion, so re-runable.

Amigos In The Afterlife

It's quite strange to see a colourful attraction at Scarefest, I must say! This is an interactive walkthrough with multiple show scenes, with guests doing tasks in each room to move on to the next. In the first room, the actor says "kids at the front, adults at the back", then (short pause) "ah, no kids", as there weren't any. 😂
This meant that us adults had to do all the tasks. I did find it a bit cringey at points, but that's because I'm not the target audience. I did think it was pretty good, though, and the actors were great. I got sprayed with water at the exit, as well 😂.


- As mentioned above, it was a slow start. We went to RMT first but it wasn't ready and eventually opened very late.
- The trommel was unfortunately still not working on Curse
- Nemmy broke down whilst we were waiting, but eventually reopened.
- When we were in the pre-show room on Subterra, the video wasn't starting so I knew something was up. Lo and behold, the host received a message over the radio to move us back to the bathing point, then we were moved further as the group in the lifts was moved out as well. We were literally just about to leave when they announced recommencement, and they mixed the groups up as a fair few people had left. Also, the exit lifts are working again on Sub Terra! No actor in the last section, though.
- When we eventually got on the RMT I got the back-most row, row 23! I'm sure that car wasn't always there. Being yanked over the first helix was interesting!
- Got front row on Thirteen, which was nice!
- Got row 4 on Smiler which I was worried about, but as I was on an inside seat it wasn't too bad. Did make me feel a bit dizzy though.
- now to address the elephant in the room... Hex. Was a real shame we weren't able to ride it.
- We did Wicker Man and Nemmy night ride, and my goodness they were both FLYING! 😱😍
I've never had such a fast ride on Nemmy, being yanked through the helix and over the inversions was insane! Wicker Man was mental as well, so fast!

Overall it was a good day, and for once the weather was nice as well!
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Daz games panic is really out of place, I'd rather they bin it and concentrate on replacing the Attic and Altonville mine tours
You're most likely going to see Daz for one or two more seasons, with The Attic and Altonville: Mine Tours being phased out over the next two. Daz is a relatively new investment for them, so they're going to want to get their 4 years out of it / as much as they can get.
I think I may be the only person who really enjoys daz games!

The strobes are so intense and I had to stop and wait for the lights to come back on at one point last week!
I think I may be the only person who really enjoys daz games!

The strobes are so intense and I had to stop and wait for the lights to come back on at one point last week!
Strobes can be weird. Even ignoring epilepsy problems, different people react to them very differently. Most people I know seem to hate them. Personally, I love 'em.
But the frequency can make a big difference. Many moons ago on a run through of The Asylum at TP, the strobes were at such a strange speed that to my eye, it just looked like the house lights were on, but my brain's frame rate was slightly lowered.

I will say that modern LED strobes just don't have the punch you got from xenon discharge tubes. Each flash was a mini explosion, and you knew it!
Strobes can be weird. Even ignoring epilepsy problems, different people react to them very differently. Most people I know seem to hate them. Personally, I love 'em.
But the frequency can make a big difference. Many moons ago on a run through of The Asylum at TP, the strobes were at such a strange speed that to my eye, it just looked like the house lights were on, but my brain's frame rate was slightly lowered.

I will say that modern LED strobes just don't have the punch you got from xenon discharge tubes. Each flash was a mini explosion, and you knew it!
I absolutely hated the Panic strobes last year, they were insanely intense and caused me sensory overload. Compound has strobes in its last room but they're much simpler and didn't affect me, although I wasn't in the room for that long and when I saw the strobes I knew I was near the exit.
Compound is awesome, I absolutely loved it! I will 100% be doing it again next year. It is very intense; you will be touched, you will be grabbed, you will be intimidated, and at one point I had an actor right in my face (so if you're not comfortable with people invading your personal space, I don't recommend it)!
I can confirm that one of the Compound actors got so close to me that he slightly sprayed saliva onto my face (hopefully unintentionally !).

It's a good job that the COVID restrictions are no longer in place :oops:

I got sprayed with water at the exit, as well 😂.
So did I (see above!)

- We did Wicker Man and Nemmy night ride, and my goodness they were both FLYING! 😱😍
I've never had such a fast ride on Nemmy, being yanked through the helix and over the inversions was insane! Wicker Man was mental as well, so fast!
It's funny that you say that, because I remember thinking the same thing about The Smiler last night as well, which seemed counter-intuitive because surely rides should be slower when cold?

In the first room, the actor says "kids at the front, adults at the back", then (short pause) "ah, no kids", as there weren't any. 😂
I thought you were going to say that they'd said "no adults" (i.e. everybody is immature!)
I can confirm that one of the Compound actors got so close to me that he slightly sprayed saliva onto my face (hopefully unintentionally !).

It's a good job that the COVID restrictions are no longer in place :oops:

Was that the guy on the bridge with the toxic barrels either side? He may have sprayed in my face thinking about it tbh!

It's funny that you say that, because I remember thinking the same thing about The Smiler last night as well, which seemed counter-intuitive because surely rides should be slower when cold?

I would assume it's they had been running all day and had minimal downtime 🤷‍♂️
You're most likely going to see Daz for one or two more seasons, with The Attic and Altonville: Mine Tours being phased out over the next two. Daz is a relatively new investment for them, so they're going to want to get their 4 years out of it / as much as they can get.

Well we said that about the invitation and now gone never to be seen again? They should’ve utilised the outdoor theming around the park mind, I just visualise a giant shed at AT with all the left over props and theming stored from years ago, including the freaky smiler takeover mannequins just sat in the dark staring? That would be a good scare maze back of house AT storage?
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I haven't done Daz, but I wonder if they could use the technology there with a different overlay/theme. That said, it's more than likely going to stay in 2025 as Attic and Mines need replacements.
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