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Scarefest 2024

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Well they've put out a POV of the maze more or less just there. It just seems like a strobe cage but with a minigame using my local gym's locker wristband. I really don't like the look of it! Feels like it should be a free attraction, given there's almost 0 theming in there.

Is this a scare maze or a Halloween themed club night in the student’s union? Genuine question
It's just the way things are going, social media has grown to the point where you can be blissfully unaware of channels that have millions of followers, just because of how there are so many of them out there. Algorithms are pretty good now, so if you aren't interested in watching middle aged men scream at Freddy Fazbear, you probably aren't going to be Dazzled.
This is my review of "Daz Games, Reloaded, Panic"

The Preshow,

First, the things I liked,
- I really liked the new premise and the cage effect was cool (if predictable),
- Everything else was fine.

And now the things I didn't like about the preshow,
- Firstly, the scare compilation they used felt a bit more cringy this year, especially with the strobes (though maybe thats just me),
- The preshow lacked the same building intensity as last year's and seemed to just flip from 0 to 100 at random,
- The cage effect can be obstructed by scenery if your by the entrance.

The rest of it,

when you first go in, instead of an immediate free for all like last year, (despite the preshow setting up for one), you get herded into a central area by the monsters, (its very unintuitive) then after a set amount of time, a set piece happens but in all 3 of my runs, not everyone was in the designated area before it triggered (the third run being such a disaster that the actors couldn't even perform the set piece).
If your wondering what happens, I don't know, I think that Anty Vi does something and...I don't know, it doesn't seem to affect anything but maybe its supposed to be some kind of holding cell to protect everyone from the virus purge?
Without wishing to spoil, just walk whichever way the actors aren't blocking then stand still in the big central area.
The main issue with this set piece is that its just so unintuitive as to what your supposed to do, and the preshow gears you up for the opposite.

That set piece aside, the only other real change is that they removed the exit corridor making the staff member manning the exit much less intrusive and making it a bit easier to clock in your time while staying in the maze, the rest of the maze plays out the same, just with a slightly different layout, its still fun and thats good enough for me.
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Did go down at about 8.30 for a good 15-20 minutes or so in fairness

It's almost 9pm on a 8pm close and nemesis is still whirling round, can hear it from the hotel window.
I'm hoping to go next week (still not 100% certain for reasons).
As someone who hates escape rooms, is there any point in doing Daz, or will it just annoy me?
(My general attitude to such things is that unless you let me fully role play and throw you some curve balls, I'm not interested. Would rather be a passive observer than be restricted. I think I've played too much D&D).
I'm hoping to go next week (still not 100% certain for reasons).
As someone who hates escape rooms, is there any point in doing Daz, or will it just annoy me?
(My general attitude to such things is that unless you let me fully role play and throw you some curve balls, I'm not interested. Would rather be a passive observer than be restricted. I think I've played too much D&D).
Yeah if you don't like escape rooms I wouldn't recommend it. I 100% recommend Compound though 😍
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