The Genuine security is the stuff that happens behind the scenes, the things that the public do not get to see.
If a group,. or a person is successful in avoiding the security services/police/intel etc and they are determined to get into somewhere then unfortunately they will, which is why the work by agencies such as GCHQ is important.
Before anyone starts running round in a panic, or worrying too much Alton towers, as well as other theme parks and other areas where people gather survived the bad days of the IRA and other such terrorist groups, back then we just picked up and carried on life as before.
If people start to worry and panic then to some extent the terrorists have won, so if the thea
[tre of security is there doing its job - re assuring people and to a smaller extent putting off the copy cat nut jobs then so be it.
But for now ( and for ever more) just keep on going.
As for the Phalanx guards from nemesis sub terra, im not sure even that elite group could reassure through the theatre of security
Then there was also the man in a hard hat, shades, wellies and a red boiler suit guarding a new secret weapon
Maybe its better to leave the theatre to those who know what they are doing, and the rides to Alton towers