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So I've ran into a decent sum of money..

Russ said:
It's only £350 I'm sorry but really it's not a lot, Go buy a goat or maybe even a cow I really don't know.

£350 is a lot of money to me as well, and I've got a full-time job. You can have a decent European holiday on that.
Sam said:
Russ said:
It's only £350 I'm sorry but really it's not a lot, Go buy a goat or maybe even a cow I really don't know.

£350 is a lot of money to me as well, and I've got a full-time job. You can have a decent European holiday on that.

It is also a lot of money to me also don't get me wrong. In general living these day's it really can't get you a lot is what I am trying to get across.
I would save it. If you don't know right now what to do with it then that's the best option. If you spend it now you'll only in a month... 6 months... a years time realise that it could have been used for something far more beneficial.

But of course what you do with that sum of money is entirely up to you. Asking on a forum will only end up with people suggesting multiple things (as has quite clearly been proved) and you could just be left even more confused what to do.
I know exactly what you should do with it.

If you can't think of anything you want it for right now, put it in a LendWithCare account until you can. I've got a couple of hundred pounds in there. That means you can loan the money to fledgling business-people in the developing world to improve their lives while you decide what to do with it.

When you know what to do with it in six months, a year, five years, just withdraw it from the account and you're back to where you started! Easy! Although there is a very small risk, I've lent money to dozens of different people and always got every penny back. If you don't know what to do with it yet, at least help other people for free while you decide. :)
I've decided I'll hold on to it for now and keep it in the account. Could be very useful when I'm wanting to learn to drive or whatever I choose after schools ended.

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Buy sandwiches and tea for homeless people.

(If you were expecting anything other than this when you literally boasted about getting some money to some people on the internet, then you're on the wrong internet)
Bear said:
Buy sandwiches and tea for homeless people.

(If you were expecting anything other than this when you literally boasted about getting some money to some people on the internet, then you're on the wrong internet)

It was never meant to come across as "boasting" I'm just trying to ask people who ii share interests with what I should do. There's people on here who know a lot more about handling their money than me.

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I'd invest it in Bitcoin since they're cheap at the minute, when the value goes back up sell them and bang, you'd have twice as much money as you started with.
LiamC said:
Is this a necessary topic? Really?

Is any topic really necessary? Do we really need to talk in the smallest details about every aspect of a theme park? Not really, but its nice to talk to people.

I can see the point of this topic.

£350 is a good sum of money but as other people have said it does not go a long way. If I was you I would put it towards learning to drive.
Someone at work was moaning about having to pay for his daughter to learn to drive and I pointed out that it will only get more expensive and harder to pass the longer you wait so just get it done now.
Find a safe way of making your money work for you. like find a saving account that with good interest rates.
delta79 said:
Find a safe way of making your money work for you. like find a saving account that with good interest rates.

Impossible in this climate, you'd be lucky to find one paying out more than 3% per annum.
It's that awkward amount where to some people it's a hell of a lot, and to others it's not really a great deal. Either way, you can't take it with you, so I say spend it. The only real question is whether you need to spend it on important things, or can you afford to blow it all and have some fun?
A relatively small amount like that will do almost nothing in a savings account. Put it in a LendWithCare account and it'll make a difference to people's lives while you decide what to do with it, at no cost to yourself. :)