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Supermarket lunch meal deals


TS Member
Inspired by posts in the vegan thread, I thought it might be good to discuss what meal deal combos people enjoy. I have things I like but will get different meal deals all the time and experiment with new sandwich fillings.

Today I had Co-op vegan sweet potato falafal and grains salad, with pork pies snack and a bottle of Rubicon black cherry and raspberry.

Co-op also have one of the best bargains, you can get a Ginsters pasty as a snack, so that can almost be another whole lunch on its own!
You'd be surprised how many people buy two of the components and not the third, and actually pay more. "I don't want the snack because I can't eat all that". Yes, but if you buy the snack as well you'll save yourself a quid! Or since that nonsense HFSS legislation kicked in, no one can find the crisps or chocolate since the government decided they had to be moved because people can no longer be trusted to know that junk food isn't good for them.
My go-to from Tesco seems to be the pasta with feta cheese & semi-dried tomatoes, some fruit (usually the apple & grape pot), and a bottle of orange juice. Might end up swapping to a different drink, though, as I'm trying to cut down on soft drinks (particularly fizzy drinks).
Waitrose Pastrami and Emmental Sandwich, or Salt Beef and Mustard Mayo, with Falafel and Houmous and a can of San Pellegrino Orange.

Side note: Waitrose is one of the few meal deals I can have, because I now refuse to shop anywhere with dual member's pricing.
Had fun in an essentials Tesco visit this morning...bread, milk, newspaper, chocolate...not one a clubcard offer, but I had to try hard.

And as the typical old git...never ever had a meal deal in my life.

Manage to keep purchased butties down to one or two a year as well.

Health god, strictly pies and kebabs.
I am a BLT, ready salted, fanta from morrisons type of guy.

Although i do worry about greencore sandwiches due the the e.coli problem at the moment
I don’t very often buy meal deals any more - tend to have Huel when out and about due to having braces. But when I did, I tended to have the not-duck hoisin wrap things from Asda, with a fruit pot and a bottle of juice. And chocolate. Got to balance out the healthy after all
My go-to from Tesco seems to be the pasta with feta cheese & semi-dried tomatoes,

That was my go to, until about 4 years ago when they changed something and made it crap. Somehow removed about 50% of the flavour.

My current favourite pasta pot is M&S taste of summer cheeseburger pasta. Life changing stuff, but neither cheap nor healthy so a rare treat. I rarely get them amy more as my job isnt mobile, but my combo of choice is the Sainsbury's tuna pasta or BLT sandwich, chilli doritos and Pepsi max. Yum.
Generally it’s the beef pastrami sandwich from Co-Op, with a bottle of Mountain Dew and some fruit.

Although these days I tend to just have a bottle of yfood (like huel but a bit smoother + not vegan) with a bottle of Coke Zero.