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Swiss Cottage Restaurant

You could easily turn this into a Costa Coffee outlet with pre-packaged food and a coffee machine. A few tables inside and some outside with signage from the main paths I am sure people would head there for a sit down coffee overlooking the gardens. Make it seasonal so its only open in the summer.
Restore the cottage and the garden, that's all I'm asking for. The images of the Gardens back in the 80s and 90s, simply look superb and breathtaking, if they could get it back to standards and have somewhere to sit down and eat, I think it'd be perfect for folks who aren't the biggest thrillseekers and just want a nice and relaxing day.
By the 90's the gardens were already failing.
To do a proper job, due to the massive invasion of native plants, soil removal would be required...it would cost more than a coaster.
So no chance.
I think a tea room, (scones, tea, and some cakes) with the small area outside with some nice seating would be an exccelent idea, and would fit in really well and could work well, but I think one problem could be attracting people to it, I walk through the gardens quite often and probably only see a few people, thinking of where it is (the quickets way is the path next to the gate house food and drink outlet) I think a problem could be with advertising it to people who are in the park as it is quite far out of the way, that would be part of the charm but it could be hard to guide people there.
If it was ever likely to actually make a profit, it would have happened by now.

Sadly, this is true.

One wonders if Alton Towers could do two different types of tickets for different markets. A house and gardens only ticket, akin to visiting a National Trust property. But they’d need to fix the house and gardens for that. Maybe include access to the sky ride too.

Then it would be profitable to turn it into a tea room.

But it will never happen.
One wonders if Alton Towers could do two different types of tickets for different markets. A house and gardens only ticket, akin to visiting a National Trust property. But they’d need to fix the house and gardens for that. Maybe include access to the sky ride too.
a big problem I think would be stopping them from riding the rides, they would probably have to add turnstiles like in BPB and it would be very anoying to get your ticket out at each ride.
a big problem I think would be stopping them from riding the rides, they would probably have to add turnstiles like in BPB and it would be very anoying to get your ticket out at each ride.
One option would be robust wristbands that can't be removed easily by the wearer, but that still wouldn't be 100% failsafe.
You could do it the other way…

No wrist band: discounted ticket for CBeebies, TWoDW and gardens

Wrist band: full park access

That way, you would need a wristband for full park access rather than have the potential of people ripping off wristbands to then gain full park access if wristbands restricted access. Do it the other way round.

Wristbands give you more basically. Punters manage it easily when on all inclusive holidays.
...and have to put an extra member of staff on every ride entrance checking wristbands, the cost of all those scanners, turnstiles and the production and printing of a couple of thousand wristbands a day.
A nice forehead stamp would be cheaper and more efficient, in my humble opinion.

Neither option will ever happen, sadly.