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The Alton Towers Book club


TS Member

As much as the internet can give us a full detailed history of Alton. In either written or video watsi. There is nothing better than having a book on shelf to read instead. As I grow older and heading into the winter months. I like to sit in a room, background noise on and read. Looking on the shelf I see a rather, disappointingly low selection of books on the subject of the towers and, the surrounding area. The few I have are.

John wardleys first and disappointing sequel (it's not a bad book, just not as fun as the first.)

The great book by Nick Simm (what a legacy to leave behind by the way)

That one the haunted house (which is a cracking little read.)

And past and present. Which, is just magnificent.

I'm looking for literature that can further the knowledge on the towers and surrounding areas. If anyone knows of any. Please list below.