TS Member
That is more likely to happen if we stay in the EU. Look up TTIP! One of the most terrifying secret agreements out there which affects the NHS, introduces mass surveillance, allows companies to sue Nation state governments if they feel the country is affecting their business unjustly; all being dealt with by the unelected EU head body. At least if we have a *sense* of democracy and if what you were saying was indeed true we'd have a good shot at being able to throw those blokes out. You can't throw the commission out. It's incredibly difficult, even for MEPs, who can only get rid of the entire commission (w/ a 66% super majority vote in the EP ) rather than single commissioners.
I agree that the way it is going it does look like we are going to be an EU vassal state, but that's because we've been stitched up by the UK civil service and a PM with no backbone. I think the only way out of this is leaving on a 'no deal' scenario, as nobody will ever be able to agree on or secure a 'decent deal' (no such thing exists really, the EU would never allow it).
I agree that the way it is going it does look like we are going to be an EU vassal state, but that's because we've been stitched up by the UK civil service and a PM with no backbone. I think the only way out of this is leaving on a 'no deal' scenario, as nobody will ever be able to agree on or secure a 'decent deal' (no such thing exists really, the EU would never allow it).