OK, I really tried to keep my gob shut on this topic, as I know I am in the minority here...but here we go.
In my mind, we are now a little bit safer from the rise of the far right nutters that are increasing their vote in Europe.
We were the first to start Covid vaccinations in Europe, we didn't have to wait for the EU machine to give the nod before we could start. Support within the European community with Covid... oh how the rest of Europe ran to support Italy at the start of the pandemic, other governments in the community simply turned their backs.
I am happy to be rid of that level of support.
We are now free from the horrors of the C.A.P., that took money from the working man and gave it to the farmers...we all know how poor the farmers are. Artificial price setting, above the real market rate, made a massive surplus of produce, that was often dumped on the world market at less than true value, affecting local economies drastically in less developed nations. I'm alright Jack, but stuff the rest of the planet.
The food mountains and lakes of the past, that rotted while millions of people starved round the world, we aren't involved in it any more. I remember the queues of people on benefits waiting for their "free" government meat, butter and cheese...that they had actually already paid for in inflated prices.
If Brexit reduces our air travel within Europe, great...we kill the planet and burn up the resources of the planet for fun, resources needed for future generations. Blair wanted to realistically tax aviation fuel when in office, to stop the crazy situation of ground transport for essentials being highly taxed, but leisure flight fuel being tax free. The bean counters in the Treasury said we couldn't do it on our own, as the airlines would stop UK refueling, and top up in Europe at a cheaper rate. He took the matter to Europe, who agreed it was a major issue and it would be addressed...still waiting a couple of decades later, absolutely nothing came of it. Glad to be rid of the nasty dinosaur that won't change, despite spouting bollocks about environmental reform...twenty years of cobblers and ever cheaper flights. Good for coaster chasing individuals, but pretty crap for the planet as a whole. I try to avoid plane shaming on here, but there you go, another plus for the planet.
We now have one less level of administrators who are non productive to pay.
If there are shortages of fresh goods from abroad, great. Less carbon miles in the food economy, get your tomatoes from Ormskirk, not Spain, less pollution, more local employment.
Things are going to get worse before they get better, and I am happy with that. We are two weeks in, and a pandemic makes the situation less than clear cut.
In the last few weeks, (including recently on here), I have been accused of being a racist because of how I voted, and I am apparently a right wing idiot who was tricked into voting the way I did.
Wrong on both counts.