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The iPhone Thread

just been reading an article and noted,
if you get arrested or stopped by the police you dont have to give them your passcode to unlock your phone, but with face recon, they will just scan your face and they have access to all your stuff :tinfoil:

While technically they could do that, they would still need a warrant first. Also, with the finger prints, whats to stop them just holding your finger against the scanner? If your that worried about being arrested, and whats on your phone, stick to just the pin code.

Lots of the issues about being asleep\drunk, or someone creating a prosthetic face mask were addressed in the keynote speech.

I have been using my face to unlock my Windows Phone and Laptop for what feels like forever now, and I find it easier than the finger print or entering a key code, so happy that Apple have finally caught up :)

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I don't think the loyalty is blind. I think people 'love' the brand and it provides them with a product that works for them

Don't you think that having "love" (which is a strong word) for a BRAND is blind loyalty? Key word there is brand.

Not saying for a minute that there are not perfectly legitimate reasons for buying and liking an Apple product, and it would be highly ignorant for me to make generalistic assumptions about people who buy them. But in a highly saturated smartphone market, their brand is by far the most distinguishable feature of their phones.

An example of my point would be the very fact that this thread exists in the first place - Apple have had a "reveal". Without a single thing being known about the phone before it was revealed, millions of people would have already made the choice to purchase one and have tuned in to see what it was they were actually buying. Millions more, after watching it would then have made that same decision without even looking into any alternatives.

I get reputational loyalty. I get fanboyism. I get nostalgic loyalty and I get emotional admiration for the design of products and services. Every human on the planet (including me, when I foolishly bought an Xbox One over the superior PS4, a decision that dates back to my childhood nostalgia and fanboyism of Sega consoles in the 90's) has made purchasing descisions like these numerous times in our lives. But Apple have managed to do something that goes far beyond this and is the envy of businesses around the world because of it, whereas their products have been easily replicated and many respects, bettered.
@matthewgcole I agree with most of what you said, but at the risk of repeating what I said before... if all these people had been brainwashed I would agree with you 100% but I don't think they have. They have iPhones and enjoy using them enough that they don't need to consider anything else. They're comfortable with them, have all the accessories, they know how to use them, they are reliable etc - why jump ship?

People talk about Apple fans as if they're using devices that they hate and don't enjoy using, but will buy again/upgrade because it's Apple and that's all that matters. I really don't buy that. If they released a phone and it sucked, people wouldn't be as quick to buy the next one that came out.

You don't build such a powerful brand with average products. But what do I know, I've got a Samsung.
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Just... can't....

The notch.

These "edge to edge" curved corner screens just seem a novelty to me. 99% of any digital content is 16:9 ratio. You can call it a 5.8' screw, but in reality only selective apps and the UI itself make use of it. And if you want to watch video, it almost feels like playing a 4:3 VHS tape on a 16:9 HD screen. It just feels botched.

Then theres the bulging shiny rim. If your gonna have a edge to edge display, the edge should be just that. The materials aren't practical either. Glass is nice, but fingerprints! The 6/6s had it right in this respect, it felt premium, smooth (not grubby with prints) and has zero chance of smashing.

Face ID is also an odd one. They say the data is all stored on the hardware itself, and thats fine privacy wise. But when does it stop? This kind of technology is just too big brother for me. Anyone who's watched "The Circle" will feel very uneasy about it.

Thing is, iOS is a beautiful operating system, arguably the most user friendly out there. The apple ecosystem is also nice and seamless, and less cloud oriented than the likes of android and windows. Just a shame the hardware no longer matches up.

As for the iPhone 8, sorry, iPhone what?
I see XKCD has been quick to respond...

Like I was edging towards earlier, these hand held devices can do some great things for us, but I feel that when you get to a certain point of honestly useful functionality, anything beyond that is just taking extra money from people (willing customers admittedly) for only a limited amount of further useful tech. We've surely got to a point now where not a lot is really changing year on year between all of the phone manufacturers which would demand a real premium to be paid over another brand. Do Apple/i-Phone even do a budget range, or do you just have to bring out the big bucks every single time?
Anyone that actually uses the touch ID and subsequent face ID is a sap anyway. Far easier to get into the phone than with a 6 digit passcode, especially if you're in the habit of becoming intoxicated. ;)
I just love the fact that we're all still up at quarter to two on a Wednesday night. All sat inferno of our screens like the true geeks we are. iPhone, no iPhone, we'll still be sat in front of our computers into the early hours...


edit: should I say Thursday morning??
Yeah, but I'm on 9 days holiday and just bought a DJI drone lol :)

I had to stay up to research the tech, or something. I was also keeping tabs on the launch of the new Lego Millennium Falcon. It's all going on tonight! Maybe I'll fly the drone around the borders of the Towers in the winter ;)
Yeah, but I'm on 9 days holiday and just bought a DJI drone lol :)

I had to stay up to research the tech, or something. I was also keeping tabs on the launch of the new Lego Millennium Falcon. It's all going on tonight! Maybe I'll fly the drone around the borders of the Towers in the winter ;)

Oh god your not from TowersTimes are you???

or was it a helicopter?
Well, many years ago yes, like some of our other old age pensioners on here. We all originated from that far away place over there (well, most of us). I've never owned a drone before though, so NOT GUILTY haha! I could become the new drone guy though. I can't do it without a secret code name though.
Speaking of ripoffs,
I was also keeping tabs on the launch of the new Lego Millennium Falcon.

It pains me to say this as a hardcore AFOL who easily spends up to four figures on Lego over the course of a year, but £650 for a single set is where I draw the line.
In fact, no, the line is drawn somewhere far in advance of that!

The Star Wars stuff has always been overpriced, but now it's insane. Last year they "updated" the Death Star set with new minifig prints, slapped a Disney logo on the box, and added one hundred pounds to the price tag!

So even this blind fanboy knows when to hold 'em, fold 'em, walk away, or run. Maybe one day the Apple fanboys will catch up? ;)
I'm with you there. It just so happened that I havn't got to do any adulting this week so I thought it would be interesting to watch what happened on social media with the launch of the Falcon. I'm not even too bothered about Apple but that turned up at the same time too. Bonus stuff for me to moan about :)
Speaking of ripoffs,

It pains me to say this as a hardcore AFOL who easily spends up to four figures on Lego over the course of a year, but £650 for a single set is where I draw the line.
In fact, no, the line is drawn somewhere far in advance of that!

The Star Wars stuff has always been overpriced, but now it's insane. Last year they "updated" the Death Star set with new minifig prints, slapped a Disney logo on the box, and added one hundred pounds to the price tag!

So even this blind fanboy knows when to hold 'em, fold 'em, walk away, or run. Maybe one day the Apple fanboys will catch up? ;)
The trouble is people will pay it. I checked on the Falcon this morning and it is already back ordered, just as every other big release is on launch. If everyone did like you Diogo and drew the line only then would the price level out :(
Apple's budget range is anything not iCloud locked on eBay, we picked up two 5s's for less than half the cost of a new SE last year.
I love Apple phones and love Android based phones too. Just switched from an iPhone to a HTC phone. Both have their pros and cons, but there is always a few things that are missed by most people.

People are quick to compare Apple and Android phones spec for spec and quickly conclude that an equivilent Android based phone has higher specs, therfore must be better. While this can be compared with things like cameras and screens. It cant be compared with the inner guts on the phones, such as the processors, graphic processors and RAM.

Apple have the massive advantage in that they design the iOS operating system and the hardware it will run on. They know exactly what their software is going to be run on, so it can be optimised to run as good as it possibly can on that hardware. Anyone can build a device with an almost infinite combination of specs and run Android on it, not exactly a bad thing, but this flexibility comes at a cost, which is performance. This is why you can see some Samsung devices with 4x the power of an iPhone, still being slower than an iPhone.

iOS is also without a doubt the most user friendly and easy to use mobile OS by far. Partly helped by their closed eco system. You dont need to be tech savvy to fully use the (limited) features of iOS. But with Android, you can do so much more, but you need to know what you are doing.

Both great operating systems but tailored towards different people when you go beyond the basics.
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Anyone who pays 1000 quid for a phone needs to be admitted to the nearest mental health clinic. It's crazy and Apple can get away with it not because the phone is worthy of the price, but because it's seen as a fashion accessory, and people tend to think they are better than others in the same way someone walking down the street with a 1000 designer handbag or jacket would.

IPhones are not worthy of their price, are behind in terms of technology and haven't evolved for the past few years. Wireless charging is something that came out over 3 years ago yet only now apple get on the bandwagon. Their displays are not as good as the likes of other android handsets, no fast charging, etc etc etc.

Granted iOS works well and is simple, and partly the simplicity between all iOS devices is something which keeps customers loyal. But there is a lot of snobbery involved with having an iPhone amongst a lot of people, schoolkids included.

I opted this year to get a One plus 3T. A fraction of the cost of other handsets, blisteringly fast, 128gb memory and I'm really pleased with it. No gimmicks, it just works.

My days of having the very latest tech on the day of take of release and paying through the nose for it just because you can show it off to others are gone!!!!
i have the 7 plus - i have tried android and just can't get along with it. The simplicity of the iphone is what keeps me around. It does what it says on the tin. And tbh i don't really care about wireless charging. I have an apple watch as well which is wireless charging but the amount of times I have put it on charge only to find the next morning that it hasn't connected properly its just easier to plug it in
i have the 7 plus - i have tried android and just can't get along with it. The simplicity of the iphone is what keeps me around. It does what it says on the tin. And tbh i don't really care about wireless charging. I have an apple watch as well which is wireless charging but the amount of times I have put it on charge only to find the next morning that it hasn't connected properly its just easier to plug it in
Same for me. Apart from the bit about having an Apple Watch.