willb said:James said:This game doesn't bother me. If you nearly die from it then it's your own fault. Most of us have an idea of what our limits are. If you're told to mix 10 different spirits and you do it then more fool you.
What an incredibly naive way of thinking. Are you suggesting that certain people can't fall victim to peer pressure.
And do you really believe that because someone has a lapse in judgement or maybe doesn't quite have the aptitude to realise the result of their actions, that person deserves to almost die.
This is an exceptionally simplistic view of the world.
Danza91 said:There's a dirty pint and then there's a dirty pint. Call me a hypocrite, but at university, I did my fair share of beer/cider/alcopop combos, but never were they mixtures of every spirit thinkable with some disgusting food thrown in. There's a difference.
willb said:It's all to easy for the many well educated individuals to look at these people drinking god knows what a saying "bloody idiots, it's their own fault"
It's too easy to be narrow-minded and not realise that they might not know the consequences of their actions!
So let's go back to "if someone told you to jump off a cliff" argument. If the person wasn't educated in the results of this action, how do they know any better.
It annoys me so much when people don't recognise when society has let someone down and it's a lack of education which causes these problems.
"It's their own fault if they die by doing...."
delta79 said:then there the female riding a horse into a tesco to do the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd16LDeE00Q#