TS Member
You're not being overly emotionless. Your feelings on the matter are sensible and rational. You didn't know her. This doesn't make you a bad person, you're being told to be depressed and sad by being force fed it in the media and shouldn't be guilt tripped into it, especially since you yourself have lost a loved one this year which I'm very sorry to hear Matt.People who’ve been have said that it’s surprisingly moving, and that the gravity of the situation doesn’t really hit you until you’re in there. News reporters have said that everyone exiting has looked visibly emotional, even people who didn’t necessarily expect to be.
Also, I know that some people have been affected by it because it reminds them of their own grief. For instance, I know my dad (who doesn’t even particularly like the royals) said he’d been more affected by it than he’d expected because it reminded him of his mum/my nan, who died of cancer in July.
Everyone’s process is different when it comes to death. If some people are comforted by queueing 24 hours to see the coffin, then that’s fine, in my eyes. I don’t really feel any sense of personal loss or severe grief over the Queen’s death, but I know some people have been really quite shaken by it. So much so that I often feel like I’m overly emotionless and don’t respect our monarch enough…
Of course people coming out would be emotional. They're facing an expensive winter, are extremely tired from standing multiple hours in a queue and have just come out of a morbid, silent room with a corpse in it. As you'd expect, news reporters would be focusing on Claire and Gary from Milton Keynes blubbing on the way out because it supports their narrative.
I'm sure the Queen was a lovely lady. We're being bombarded with media at the moment to try and shine her in the best light possible (which you would have when most people die) and it actually looks like she may have had a decent sense of humour. But I wouldn't really know because, like most of the people down there, I never met her, I didn't know her, had no relationship with her and I'm not related to her.
I'm also not stupid enough to pretend that the death of a monarch who reigned for 70 years is going to be anything but a major news story and national event. But the only part of the news a couple of days ago that made me well up was hearing that little girls mothers words which were heartbreaking. It's getting me emotional as I type. It didn't come until near the end of the programme after tonnes of stuff about queues and royals walking around looking at bunches of flowers.
I have a girl of similar age to her, a grandmother who has deteriated in recent months who is of similar age as the Queen was and a loved one who came out of his fourth operation for a spreading cancer on Thursday. Most of us up and down the country will be in similar situations. I wouldn't dream of elevating the death of someone I don't know who lived a full 96 years and died peacefully in a palace surrounded by her loved ones to that of people I do care about or who have died in truly tragic circumstances. That's why I find some of these comparisons warped and a Insensitive.