Really tempted by one of those Mononoploy boards, but have they fully themed them?
Chance card - You arrive at AT to find it closed today. Waste 70 pounds on petrol.
You arrive in the park, but most of the rides are closed. Go directly to guest services. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 pounds.
You heard before your visit that most of the eateries apart from the Burger Kitchen are closed. Bring you own food, Save 50 pounds rather than giving it to Merlin entertainment.
Community Chest - You built far too many lodges and hotels for your guest offering and most of them are empty. Mothballing costs 200 pounds per night per lodge, 2000 pounds per hotel.
Top Trump's next!
That is brilliant - trouble is that it's all true. Could have an absolute field-day at Towers expense with a spoof Monopoly game board & Chance / Community Chest cards.