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The Smiler - General Discussion

Can you remember if the “Alton Towers Resort” on the front of the train was centralised on each half or were they to one side? Loo at the photo to see what I mean.


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Can you rem if the “Alton Towers Resort” on the front of the train was centralised on each half or were they to one side?

Sorry no, I didn’t notice anything about the logos, it was only the numbers on the back that I was trying to look out for.
Ok, so that makes sense with the numbering. So I’m guessing that it was maybe train 4 which was the rougher one then. It can be a bit hard to look down and get the number of the train when you get off the ride with everyone else getting off. I definitely caught the number of trains 1 and 2 when I got off of my good rides and on the rougher one today I didn’t manage to directly get the number of it but I did see the number of train 2 ahead of the one I was in so I assumed incorrectly that I was in 3.
The easiest way to spot the newer train, is they each seat has a number on it (near the head rest), it’s quite a large number and easy to spot. The old trains don’t have that.
Went on this yesterday and had a moment that scared the group. We were all sat down ready to go, when suddenly they released all the restraints and everyone had to get off, and they specifically came over to our row and started messing the seat my friend was sat on, like checking head rest and the restraint itself, and some bloke came over and talked to us and said it’s just “technical difficulties”, but fair to say it still make us a bit uneasy 🤣 especially the person who was sat in the seat they were messing with, because their thought way they were gunna die if the train was sent off lol, idk what the issue was In the end, they sent the train round with nobody on a few times. We went on a different train and it was fine, but I checked my restraint every 2 seconds I swear, giving it little tugs to check it was secure because I was shit scared 🤣
Went on this yesterday and had a moment that scared the group. We were all sat down ready to go, when suddenly they released all the restraints and everyone had to get off, and they specifically came over to our row and started messing the seat my friend was sat on, like checking head rest and the restraint itself, and some bloke came over and talked to us and said it’s just “technical difficulties”, but fair to say it still make us a bit uneasy 🤣 especially the person who was sat in the seat they were messing with, because their thought way they were gunna die if the train was sent off lol, idk what the issue was In the end, they sent the train round with nobody on a few times. We went on a different train and it was fine, but I checked my restraint every 2 seconds I swear, giving it little tugs to check it was secure because I was shit scared 🤣
Modern coaster trains have tons of sensors all over monitoring every aspect of them, so it's possible that a sensor on your friends seat flagged up a fault. If so, the ride was working as it should! 🙂
Modern coaster trains have tons of sensors all over monitoring every aspect of them, so it's possible that a sensor on your friends seat flagged up a fault. If so, the ride was working as it should! 🙂
Yeah i knew it was all okay and safe and the ride was working as intended by flagging a fault but didn’t stop me freaking out, my only fear on rollercoasters is the restraint failing and me falling out hahah, so when that happened and they were messing with the restraints my mind was going crazy 😂
People always panic when you unlock their restraints. For example, if somebody needs to be released, you unlock their restraint... and depending on the system this might mean other rows also get unlocked. The guests in those other seats then panic when theirs comes open too.

This can also be observed when the restraints aren't yet locked and people start panicking because they think theirs is broken.
Yeah i knew it was all okay and safe and the ride was working as intended by flagging a fault but didn’t stop me freaking out, my only fear on rollercoasters is the restraint failing and me falling out hahah, so when that happened and they were messing with the restraints my mind was going crazy

If you are worried about the idea of restraints failing falling during a ride then it should watch the Coasterbot videos which explain how restraints and ride safety systems work, they will help to put your mind at ease.


People always panic when you unlock their restraints. For example, if somebody needs to be released, you unlock their restraint... and depending on the system this might mean other rows also get unlocked. The guests in those other seats then panic when theirs comes open too.

This can also be observed when the restraints aren't yet locked and people start panicking because they think theirs is broken.
When I had to be assisted on Colossus a few weeks back, the cabin op released all the restraints then did an announcement saying that they were being unlocked so they could assist a guest.
9 years ago today.

Stood along the perimeter of the ride.



Test trains.

Management and staff enjoy their rides as guests look on.

Great weather and the park was bustling.

Having the first ride and thinking it was the greatest thing since toilet roll.

Queuing up near the Towers early afternoon to ride again. Paying over the odds on a portable ice cream cart for a Magnum.

Riding again and reaffirming it was the greatest thing since toilet roll.

9 years later.

"45-minute queue? No thanks. It isn't worth it".

Certainly isn't the greatest thing since toilet roll either.