1998 - 2005. The Nemesis Op never held the override keys - a Team leader had to attend with them. At the end of the day if the Valley TL had been on "earlies", the keys were left in the office. We collected them at the end of the day to garage the Nemesis trains.
There are 5 keyswitches on the Nemesis control panels. Technical Services would leave all in Auto / Run mode when they signed the ride off (bar the Dispatch switch was a Towers add-on to the system - when this one is turned to off the ride retains power, but the main panel buttons won't work. Was added for if the operator has to leave the controls for any reason so if a staff member presses any buttons, nothing will happen).
The ride operator gets two keys. A power key and the dispatch key. This enables them to turn the ride on and enable the buttons on the main panel & certain buttons on the auxiliary panel, e.g. lift start, acknowledge, loop reset). Everything else is in Auto / Run mode, so all the operator can do is control the ride in Auto mode.
The override keys (2 of them) enable you to switch the Auto / Manual mode keyswitch to Manual & the Transfer Enable from off to on. This enables the transfer / garaging of trains.
To do anything exotic with the ride, you need a 3rd key - for the Maintenance Bypass keyswitch. This key was only held by Technical Services & is different to the other override keys... but we all knew where their set of keys was hidden upstairs in the Nemesis garage workshop! Bet those keys are in a key-safe now!