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The Smiler: time to turn the music off


TS Member
...or at least, down to background level.

I'm convinced that the music in The Smiler's queue makes everybody's day slightly worse: enthusiasts, casuals, the lot.

Every element of that queue is an unpleasant experience. The claustrophobia, the cages, the concrete, and the proximity to the ride, which due to its operating pattern, is a constant source of aggravating noise. All of that makes queueing for the ride bad enough, but there's very little that the park can do about it. It's baked in through (deliberately?) poor design.

But on top of that, they choose to add insult to injury by playing horrible music over the top at deafening volume, which you'll inevitably be subjected to for over an hour. It's not a good piece of music for a ride, even on its own terms. It's a bad idea, badly executed, badly composed, badly played and badly recorded. Like the rest of the ride's aesthetic / theme, it's an incoherent mess.

Everybody hates it. You see it on people's faces – civilians even more so than enthusiasts – when you queue up for it. People grimace their way through that queue, or even, as I did on Saturday, put earphones in and listen to white noise to drown it out.

Why do they not just turn it off? One theory would be old-fashioned incompetence: the park don't know how much people hate it. But my guess is that management have one eye on how obsessively the ride's aesthetic is consumed by the 'half enthusiasts' who make up an increasing share of the park's customer base.

You see Smiler merch everywhere. It must be the most popular line of theme park merch worldwide, aside from the biggest players. On opening day, there were – mortifyingly – multiple people cosplaying as the ride itself. This popularity is baffling – as an overall package (concept, name, theme, graphics, music) it's aesthetically one of the ugliest rides ever built. Just compare it to Oblivion's ice-cube-cool late nineties moderne, or the enjoyably campy, H.P. Lovecraft VIBES of Nemesis.

Do the park think that if they turn the horrible music off, the ride will lose something of its commercial pull among the half enthusiasts, and that this lucrative merch-based revenue stream will dry up? This is the only other explanation I can think of. But for the sake of all of our sanity, I'd urge the park to try. Turn the music off for a week (or replace it with Eno's 'Music For Airports' if they must), and see what happens to the guest satisfaction scores. I reckon they'd go up.
At the very least, they could have the decency to remove the awful laughter from the music. Truly, the cherry on the cake to it all.

It's a complete and utter sensory overload- the noise, being packed together with hundreds of other people in a cramped (and often damp) cattle pen, all the flickering screens as they try their best to continue working despite seemingly never being turned off since 2013... Horrible. 0/10 tear it down.
Completely agree but strangely I think it's partly why it's so popular. The sheer 'lairyness' of the overall ride area draws people in like moths to a flame.

It could well be the worst queueing experience in the world. I'll only ride it if it's less than 10 minutes.
The volume has irritated me since day one, especially when queuing next to the speakers. The highs in the composition cut into my ears.

I do like the track though. It really is unique and far from the classic IMAscore sound. I don’t think it should be switched off. Turn it down a tad. Ta love.
The music is awful and the whole queuing experience is atrocious but if cosplaying brings people joy then let them be. Not to my taste personally though.

Anyway there’s enough chav cosplay around the park with two piece under armer clothing, a little weirdness is welcomed in my eyes.
My issue with the cosplayers is the fact a lot of them are so close to the staff outfits it can be difficult to distinguish. It’s the reason Disney bans it outside specific events.

Anyway. Off topic. Music bad, please turn down.
I enjoy the music for the most part, but it is played too loudly. The queue is terrible, but I prefer it over Rita's, mainly due to the fact that you get good views of the ride itself from The Smiler's queue, even though the ride rattling above your head can become very annoying.
Smile... Always.. maybe 😵‍💫

In its defence, when you get there early and the gates open.. is it just me that stomps through the caged area in time to the music. Mesmeric effect of making you feel like your part of a clone of humans all doing the same thing. However I agree on the cattle pen when stood still as being the worst I've experienced (especially when 1 inch of standing water is below)
My issue with the cosplayers is the fact a lot of them are so close to the staff outfits it can be difficult to distinguish. It’s the reason Disney bans it outside specific events.

Anyway. Off topic. Music bad, please turn down.
Said the same thing Yesterday. Must of clocked about a dozen people walking round wearing full on Phalanx uniform and non of them were staff.

In terms of Smiler. I don’t mind the music but it’s way too loud and the pit is nothing but a despairing ever ending nightmare which I simply don’t bother with anymore. Use SRQ instead if it doesn’t seem to long, though batching is hit and miss given the workload of the batching op at times.
Yeah nah, I'd suggest Martin's response was more to do with the fact that making fun of "chavs" (in quote marks the size of a house) and the perceived way they dress is boring, classist and snobby, and was cliched and witless in 2007, let alone now.

But you’re the one judging people for dressing up? Make it make sense.

I think youre being a bit over the top to be honest. I grew up on a a council estate so less of the classist malarkey please.

Chavs have been apart of Towers culture for decades. It’s not offensive to point out the uniform.
Dressing up- each to their own and that- it’s mainly young teenagers I see doing it. Not my cup of tea but if you’ve got the time and money to dress up like a ride you go for it.

The music- I can see both sides of the argument. Maybe time has dulled my memory but I swear the speakers used to be of better quality in the early years of operation? I think what’s made it worse is some of the speakers have lost clarity.

Yes it is loud, but I see were it comes from with Orwellian, almost Artaudian attack on the senses. The queueing experience very much replicates the experience of the ride- uncomfortable, rough, loud and disorienting. I can see this a little perhaps pre-test for the ride - if you can’t handle the queue you may struggle with the sensory overload on the ride.

Do agree that it needs turning down a jar and possibly the speakers replaced. Surprised our old friends the Ropers have never weighed in on this…