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Theme park related dreams you’ve had?

I had a random dream last night
I was at towers on the opening day of project ocean weird thing (clear as day this dream) the walls were black washed with the phalanx loco in white on the walk way leading up to the tunnel, the entrance to the tunnel had p-x14 above it with the logos on both sides
walking through the portal there was an immediate left turn leading through the concrete bunker there was red flashing lights and TV monitors along the sides of the queline.
At the end there was a right u-turn leading up a flight of stairs to the loading platform. the new ride was a doubleseated floorless top spin.
It was sat upon a steel mesh floor with water beneath with what looks like water jets on both sides.
On boarding the ambient music changed to a sinister style as the restraints came down and locked into position
A loud voice shouted over the tannoy
On the attack the ride lurched backwards starting it's sequence
The ride was pretty much a blur being thrown about and then at the end being soaked via the jets, first our side then the other all the while we was being thrown about there was like a water battle as if the beast was throwing it's tenticals at us...

Unfortunately I don't really know the full ending as my alarm went off (I call that sods law the good section always gets cut off at the last second lol but I hope this dream comes back to finish off!!!