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Theme Park Worldwide

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Shawn should make a video where he summarises an hour long vlog into one that's less than 10 minutes.

I have no problems with Shawn or TPW but I haven't got the time or inclination to sit through hours of footage. Maybe I'm just not the target market.
Shawn should make a video where he summarises an hour long vlog into one that's less than 10 minutes.

I have no problems with Shawn or TPW but I haven't got the time or inclination to sit through hours of footage. Maybe I'm just not the target market.
Depends on the vlog for me. I don't need to see 90 minutes of Thorpe Park but it was interesting to watch his USA vlogs last year, especially after I'd been to a lot of those parks.

He's a natural on the camera though. Bloke could be a TV presenter.
Reaction videos are incredibly popular nowadays; I think it’s just a modern video trend. Outside of YouTube, I suppose it’s also been made popular by shows like Gogglebox.
I think that's a pretty poor comparison unless the Gogglebox people watch previous episodes of Gogglebox ... Please God tell me that's not a thing on primetime television?!
I think that's a pretty poor comparison unless the Gogglebox people watch previous episodes of Gogglebox ... Please God tell me that's not a thing on primetime television?!
One century from now, TV is just viewers watching viewers of viewers watching viewers of viewers watching viewers... no one knows where it all started, all meaning is lost. But it's what we watch. It's all there is.
In fairness I think he is just scraping the barrel for content in the absence of any theme park trips or news.

Gotta satisfy that YouTube algorithm.

That said, I kind of judge the people who are actually watching the content.
In fairness I think he is just scraping the barrel for content in the absence of any theme park trips or news.

Gotta satisfy that YouTube algorithm.

That said, I kind of judge the people who are actually watching the content.
Must be a hard time at the moment if YouTube is your main source of income. I suppose living with the folks will help the finances. Can you furlough yourself or claim anything if your a full time vlogger?
Must be a hard time at the moment if YouTube is your main source of income. I suppose living with the folks will help the finances. Can you furlough yourself or claim anything if your a full time vlogger?
If you're officially self employed and meet the criteria, the means by which you are self employed is irrelevant. Not sure how many vloggers go down 'official' routes in terms of self employment.
I wonder how many vloggers pay tax? I assume they'd need to declare it as a taxable income. If they haven't then they wouldn't be able to claim under the self- employment support scheme.
I wonder how many vloggers pay tax? I assume they'd need to declare it as a taxable income. If they haven't then they wouldn't be able to claim under the self- employment support scheme.
Anyone who is YouTubing as a full time job and not declaring the income, I would have zero sympathy for any hardship caused by the current circumstances.

Same for the masses of contractors who have for years chosen to pay themselves the legal minimum and milk dividends and expenses to minimise their tax liability, and now are moaning that they can only get 80% of minimum wage.
Surely it's a good time for YouTubers... lots more people than usual sat at home with nothing to do but watch YT videos.

You are right. Much more people are watching Youtube. But, it depends on your content I guess. If your content relies on the outside world. Then you are going to be struggling. As you have no fresh material. Hence why you get this stuff.

The thing with YouTube is. (and this is based purely on people who make a living off it) You have to satisfy the algorithms. If you miss a beat and have a break in uploading, the algorithms will throw you right down the bottom of the pile, stop showing you in peoples recommended videos and will give your channel a real hit. Which directly results in loss of revenue. Once you are down the pile in the algorithms, it takes a very disproportionatly long time and alot of work to get back up there.

Yes, you will have your dedicated followers, but having the algorithms place you up top and in recommended pipelines, is as important if not more important. Considering over 500 hours of video is uploaded to Youtube every single minute of every single day. (You heard that right, 500 hours every minute of every day and growing) It is quite important that the AI picks your videos out of a massive ocean of others, if you want to be successful.

This is another reason why you see alot of thumbnails for certain videos with the presenters pulling funny or shocked faces. In certain situations, the algorithms prefer that and you have more chance of being featured.

Crazy world. I know.
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Surely it's a good time for YouTubers... lots more people than usual sat at home with nothing to do but watch YT videos.
Actually most Youtubers are down something like 50% on their Adsense - advertising and marketing are one of the first things that most companies are chopping in these times, so those who rely on Adsense are suffering.

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I preferred it when Shawn was doing the quizzes tbh. That's something more unique and a fun way to spend an hour in quarantine. I can't be bothered watching him do a reaction video for an hour though, that's actually a bit depressing in some ways. But if people liked it, he'll keep doing it, I guess?
I'm a recent convert to TPWW. I'm definitely not the target audience, I like theme parks, but have been to less than 5 different ones in my life and I have never watched a youtube vlog for more than a few minutes. Any I've found previously to do with any topic I'm interested in are normally hosted by smarmy "look at me" sort of people, which I don't think I can say about Shawn. I use youtube for official videos, never ones created by fans of whatever the subject is.

However, I have to say at the moment his channel for me has been a great way to forget about everything. Health anxiety hit my hard late last year and I can't quite believe I'm here months later in the middle of a pandemic. Any other time of my life, I probably would have dealt with it all better than I am currently.

I get that some people won't like a lot of his content. But he's trying. Obviously he needs new content to create revenue, but I also think he is more than aware (more than some TV stations) that at this moment we need light relief and that's what he is providing. The quizzes have been really enjoyable, but I understand it's not a quick thing to do. His live tours of his collection, for me, could have been more interesting but I still enjoyed seeing all his stuff. There is so much more he could do, but it's easy for me to sit here and say "do this and do that Shawn". I'm still working my way through his USA roadtrip and I can't believe he was EDITING while on the go! I can barely get the internet page to open most days, let alone choogling around the USA editing software and uploading videos!

As to the watching himself thing, this is new to me. But personally as I haven't gone that far back in his catalogue of videos, I liked seeing his first attempt but also his own reactions to it. So it was a double helping of watching a vlog but also getting more information about that vlog as I was watching if that makes sense. Things like how the rules regarding on ride filming have changed since he was filming or much the park has changed in eight years.

I've really enjoyed his bike rides as well. I have been out the house twice in all these weeks, so seeing outside roads and trees and an area I know was just a lovely feeling.

I've never understood what the hell an "unboxing" video is about. But I watched his one about Blackpool merchandise and lo and behold we've ordered from their online shop which I didn't know existed until I saw his video. So BPB have got something out of it at least in our house. I've even watched reviews of rides I've never been on because at the moment I am really missing theme parks even though I generally visit later in the year. Crazy! But what you can't have you tend to yearn for more.

Overall, I would say to each their own but I wouldn't judge those for watching his videos because quite frankly, whatever is getting each individual person through their day, is really no one else's business. ;)

Sometimes he tends to waffle, sometimes it's a bit cringe, but you find that with our highest paid TV "celebs". Shawn's doing something he loves and sharing it with people, and I really appreciate it at the moment. I'm learning things as well, if I hadn't been, I would never have scored so highly on his Disney quiz! :)
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If it wasn’t for the lockdown he wouldn’t have done any work on the book worm and his also doing work on the stuff he brought from the Drayton Manor auction. I think this year will be a tough year for theme park blogging as he won’t be going aboard much if his got to stay at home for 14 days when he returns and with him been famous at parks he will more than likely have to go to them on his own.
The 14 days quarantine wouldn’t affect him the same as someone who does need to go to work then they return from abroad.

It’ll be interesting when the restrictions lift if he does just get a flight out of here. He could tour the parks open in Europe editing and uploading whilst on the road.
The 14 days quarantine wouldn’t affect him the same as someone who does need to go to work then they return from abroad.

It’ll be interesting when the restrictions lift if he does just get a flight out of here. He could tour the parks open in Europe editing and uploading whilst on the road.
And finishing in France so he doesn't have to endure the two-week quarantine on return to the UK. :p
I think it could be a long time, even with European parks opening before we see any new vlogs. Just because parks are open, it doesn't mean the usual hotels and services he uses like car rental hire will be available. If the trip is going to be ten times more complicated and expensive, he may as well trawl through a lot of unused ride footage or create more top ten videos.

But also just because the governments of the world are allowing theme parks to open etc, there is also his family. Looking at his parents age wise, would you really risk very early on into park openings, going around Europe just to go to a theme park or two? He has mentioned going to parks when it's safe to do so, I think for a UK theme park enthusiast it's going to be a while before any trips abroad can be made, and I don't know about everyone else, but I would be watching and waiting for a number of weeks yet to see how everything is working and whether in towns and areas with theme parks there are any outbreaks.

To be honest, I think judging by what he has said on his videos about theme parks and what's going on at the moment, he'd be happy just to get to AT from a personal perspective. Which I think is the same for most of us.

I'm almost thinking of driving to AT but then I need to think of an area near by to get out so I can take my exercise.....because as long as I don't end up in Wales where they will kick me out, I can pretty much go anywhere as long as I have a walk at the end..... I do miss the drive to AT though, it is lovely.
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