I'm a recent convert to TPWW. I'm definitely not the target audience, I like theme parks, but have been to less than 5 different ones in my life and I have never watched a youtube vlog for more than a few minutes. Any I've found previously to do with any topic I'm interested in are normally hosted by smarmy "look at me" sort of people, which I don't think I can say about Shawn. I use youtube for official videos, never ones created by fans of whatever the subject is.
However, I have to say at the moment his channel for me has been a great way to forget about everything. Health anxiety hit my hard late last year and I can't quite believe I'm here months later in the middle of a pandemic. Any other time of my life, I probably would have dealt with it all better than I am currently.
I get that some people won't like a lot of his content. But he's trying. Obviously he needs new content to create revenue, but I also think he is more than aware (more than some TV stations) that at this moment we need light relief and that's what he is providing. The quizzes have been really enjoyable, but I understand it's not a quick thing to do. His live tours of his collection, for me, could have been more interesting but I still enjoyed seeing all his stuff. There is so much more he could do, but it's easy for me to sit here and say "do this and do that Shawn". I'm still working my way through his USA roadtrip and I can't believe he was EDITING while on the go! I can barely get the internet page to open most days, let alone choogling around the USA editing software and uploading videos!
As to the watching himself thing, this is new to me. But personally as I haven't gone that far back in his catalogue of videos, I liked seeing his first attempt but also his own reactions to it. So it was a double helping of watching a vlog but also getting more information about that vlog as I was watching if that makes sense. Things like how the rules regarding on ride filming have changed since he was filming or much the park has changed in eight years.
I've really enjoyed his bike rides as well. I have been out the house twice in all these weeks, so seeing outside roads and trees and an area I know was just a lovely feeling.
I've never understood what the hell an "unboxing" video is about. But I watched his one about Blackpool merchandise and lo and behold we've ordered from their online shop which I didn't know existed until I saw his video. So BPB have got something out of it at least in our house. I've even watched reviews of rides I've never been on because at the moment I am really missing theme parks even though I generally visit later in the year. Crazy! But what you can't have you tend to yearn for more.
Overall, I would say to each their own but I wouldn't judge those for watching his videos because quite frankly, whatever is getting each individual person through their day, is really no one else's business.
Sometimes he tends to waffle, sometimes it's a bit cringe, but you find that with our highest paid TV "celebs". Shawn's doing something he loves and sharing it with people, and I really appreciate it at the moment. I'm learning things as well, if I hadn't been, I would never have scored so highly on his Disney quiz!