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Theme Park Worldwide

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One the one hand I don`t want to judge Shawn because of what other people are doing. One the other hand: I like a lot how he behaves in ALL of the videos I`ve seen (100+) , I think he`s a very nice and friendly guy and I will be VERY careful before I become too critical with him (I am a christian, I always try to be careful with judgements) especially because I don`t know what is true, some things can be misunderstood if the context isn`t 100 % clear and because NOBODYS PERFEKT. I`m also thankful because he entertained me so well for sooooo many hours...
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I could get criticised for this but I work in PR and reputational management.

Despite all the recent allegations against Theme Park Worldwide, it is possible for them to come back from this.
Similiar situations have happened to other Youtubers before, "LucyAndLydia" faced similar allegations against their channel (against a guest that used to appear regularly but hasn't appeared once since the allegations) in early 2014 and lost over 100k subscribers in 2 weeks and they have come back from it, bigger and better than they were previously.

Theme Park Worldwide can come back from this and probably will come back.
I could get criticised for this but I work in PR and reputational management.

Despite all the recent allegations against Theme Park Worldwide, it is possible for them to come back from this.
Similiar situations have happened to other Youtubers before, "LucyAndLydia" faced similar allegations against their channel (against a guest that used to appear regularly but hasn't appeared once since the allegations) in early 2014 and lost over 100k subscribers in 2 weeks and they have come back from it, bigger and better than they were previously.

Theme Park Worldwide can come back from this and probably will come back.
Honestly, they only seem to have gained subscribers since, I'm not really sure they've lost anything. Yes, people will have unsubscribed, but there count definitely didn't drop by more than 500? or so.
Honestly, they only seem to have gained subscribers since, I'm not really sure they've lost anything. Yes, people will have unsubscribed, but there count definitely didn't drop by more than 500? or so.
If you look on SocialBlade or a similar site that logs stats of YouTube channels, TPW’s subscriber trajectory is still quite firmly upwards, at pretty much the same rate as it was before this happened.
Honestly, they only seem to have gained subscribers since, I'm not really sure they've lost anything. Yes, people will have unsubscribed, but there count definitely didn't drop by more than 500? or so.
That's true, however the real reputational damage will come when the police finish their investigation and if the allegations are found to be true, if this happens then it would be in Theme Park Worldwide's best interests to temporarily hire an experienced PR manager who specialises in reputational management.

The real reputational damage will come if the allegations are found to be true.
If you look on SocialBlade or a similar site that logs stats of YouTube channels, TPW’s subscriber trajectory is still quite firmly upwards, at pretty much the same rate as it was before this happened.
In my opinion you'll only really be able to see what direction the channel is going in a few months time.

While a lot of his fellow guests weren't and aren't to everyone's taste, a lot of the younger fans did like them. Annoying or not, they were personalities. Now its it's just Shawn and Charlotte, it remains to be seen whether they can continuously grab people's attentions while visiting the same parks and saying the same things.

Last year he did about 3 or 4 videos from Scarefest, and what made them different was the different people appearing and giving their views. Can you see it being as popular this year if there are 4 identical vlogs being posted one after the other? I'm not so sure.

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In my opinion you'll only really be able to see what direction the channel is going in a few months time.

While a lot of his fellow guests weren't and aren't to everyone's taste, a lot of the younger fans did like them. Annoying or not, they were personalities. Now its it's just Shawn and Charlotte, it remains to be seen whether they can continuously grab people's attentions while visiting the same parks and saying the same things.

Last year he did about 3 or 4 videos from Scarefest, and what made them different was the different people appearing and giving their views. Can you see it being as popular this year if there are 4 identical vlogs being posted one after the other? I'm not so sure.

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The reputational damage is yet to come.
As a very causal viewer (basically follow on Facebook and that's about it) if I hadn't seen it on here I doubt if have noticed it having happened at all. Even actively going for a mooch through YouTube comments specifically to look for it after reading this I struggled to find much.

I wonder how many of their viewers are really that avid, or dig deep enough into the comments, to even know? On top of that I think most people wouldn't be holding the actions of others from the past against what the channel now is.

I'm not at all surprised it's had no real effect on the numbers.
Trouble with mudslinging is that mud sticks, and can stick for many years to come.

I've have found in life, if people like you, then it doesn't matter how badly or immorally you behave, people will always like you. However if people don't like you, they will always find fault with you and you will never be able to do right for doing wrong. It appears that TPWW has it loyal followers as well as those that don't like them.

We have a saying in the entertainment business, you never choose to retire, your work just suddenly dries up when you are no longer popular. I'm sure that TPWW will continue for some time, but as time pass, and they get older, people might choose to watch some younger faces.

I have my doubts that there ever has been a police case.

One of the allege victims has already confirmed that the police was involved in a couple of her recent twitter tweets when this all blew up a month or so ago. I've posted a link to the twitter post a good few pages back.
One of the allege victims has already confirmed that the police was involved in a couple of her recent twitter tweets when this all blew up a month or so ago. I've posted a link to the twitter post a good few pages back.

I know one of the girls briefly spoke to the police, but as far as I was aware there was no case opened.

From what I recall the only person who mentioned getting the authorities involved was Shawn.

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And who even knows if thats true to be honest.
I always felt that was just wording to look like he was doing something about it. Besides, I'm not sure there was much he could discuss with the authorities, given as he wasn't involved in any of the harassment allegations. People were suggesting that if he did contact the authorities it was to report slander/libel.

I know a number of people contacted him via various social media channels and asked him for a case number. These requests were always ignored. I would have thought that if he had been proactive enough to discuss these allegations with the authorities he would have been only too happy to provide this information.

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I know one of the girls briefly spoke to the police, but as far as I was aware there was no case opened.

From what I recall the only person who mentioned getting the authorities involved was Shawn.

If it was reported by the victim a crime would certainly have been recorded and investigated, even if it wasn't possible to investigate too far without the support of and evidence from the victim.

If things were reported by Shaun, presumably as a third party report and not as a victim of anything himself, then that wouldn't result in the recording and investigating of a crime. There would have to be a reasonable attempt to identify and contact any victim to record or negate an offence, but without victim confirmation no crime would be recorded. There would be no 'case number'. If that were the case the information supplied by a third party would be treated as intelligence and ,in time, might prove valuable to other offences.

You can't report slander or libel to the police, they are civil matters.

*I'm not trying to be argumentative, compliance with National Crime Recording Standards is my day job, I'm hoping an understanding of the processes is helpful.
If it was reported by the victim a crime would certainly have been recorded and investigated, even if it wasn't possible to investigate too far without the support of and evidence from the victim.

If things were reported by Shaun, presumably as a third party report and not as a victim of anything himself, then that wouldn't result in the recording and investigating of a crime. There would have to be a reasonable attempt to identify and contact any victim to record or negate an offence, but without victim confirmation no crime would be recorded. If that were the case the information supplied by a third party would be treated as intelligence and ,in time, might prove valuable to other offences.

I'm not sure how true it was as the information she provided was a little inconsistent at best, but she said she spoke to the police and after the conversation decided to not take it further. This was the same girl who, not long after, posted a song about her ordeal on Twitter.

With regard to the Shawn thing, I presumed as much. For the case to be closed there needs to be an actual case, and I may be wrong but I've not seen any instances where people have spoken about taking this to the police, apart from the girl mentioned above.

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I heard from a very solid source, who I have known for many years, that there was a formal enquiry, and the case is now closed.
This information came from the mouth of the alleged perpetrator.
The two specific words used were... "Case closed".
I have no reason to disbelieve the person that gave me this information, their information in the past has proved 100% correct.
I have no doubts about this.
I heard from a very solid source, who I have known for many years, that there was a formal enquiry, and the case is now closed.
This information came from the mouth of the alleged perpetrator.
The two specific words used were... "Case closed".
I have no reason to disbelieve the person that gave me this information, their information in the past has proved 100% correct.
I have no doubts about this.

I'm not doubting your source at all, but who's to say the alleged perpetrator was telling the truth? I just feel this has all come and gone in an extremely short period of time. The first dribs and drabs of information only started to come out at the start of July, and if I remember correctly you first posted over a week ago saying the case had been closed. I've also only seen one of the victims say they have spoken to the police, surely if there had been an in depth enquiry the police would have located and spoken to each of those accusing the perpetrator(s).

I have previously spoken in depth with a person named in these allegations, that was also named in past similar allegations. That person has always said that the police investigated the matter and found nothing, yet becomes extremely nervous when the subject is brought up. I've also spoken to the person who accused him previously, who has told me that she has never once spoken to the police about the matter, and believes him to be lying about police involvement.

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Sounds like that person is lying about police involvement to make people think the police are already aware and they don't need to inform them. They'll be extremely nervous because they're worried someone will realise they are not telling the truth.
Sounds like that person is lying about police involvement to make people think the police are already aware and they don't need to inform them. They'll be extremely nervous because they're worried someone will realise they are not telling the truth.
Definitely, I just wonder whether the current perpetrator is doing the same thing. All law breaking aside, the accused all seem to have form for manipulative behaviour.

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