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Mini Meet Thorpe Park Weds 18th September 2024

First came across you on a thorpe site mate...all those years ago.
I am known for a certain phrase in these circumstances...but sadly I have been trying to moderate my language, due to weal marks on my back that are worse than my surgery scars.

"Throw a clucking sickie man, it is what theme parks were made for..."

We could do with a warrant card in case it kicks off with the Staines massive...
More than welcome.
More the merrier.
Free beer for idiots.
Oh, you could have a lovely west country soundtrack all the way there...Massive Attack, Portishead, Alpha, bit of Zero Seven...all my faves.
Even the mention of Filton makes me jealous...
We get shakey, acca flipping pella.

Then again...on the way home...
He has an old piano and he plays it hot...
A fellow trip-hop aficionado I see. Would so love to see a new massive attack album but that’s almost like waiting for Pleasure Beach to get a new attraction…
I'm afraid they just got too bleak for me in the end.
Thievery Corporation now.
Last strings remix album is amazing.
Putty medals for this trip will be generated using real dead mouse wheels as exterior moulds.
Mouse axle sized, with indentations...
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Tempted by this meet up as I think I qualify as an old git (46). Honestly the chance of a few pints didn't swing it.....Although Hyperia is worth it alone, it's so good. Need to check the work rota to see if it looks good for me to take annual leave. I'll be going to Oktoberfest the week after in Munich and I was thinking this might be a nice warm up, got a feeling I might need the few days between to recover and go again 😅
Had a kebab a few days ago and I could practically feel my stomach expanding outwards as I ate it. Was delicious though. Funny how the the body deals with these things as we get get older. Could sink beer and kebabs all day long back in my 20's and it wouldn't have any impact on my 28 waist.
I might be getting My Bloody Volvo back in time for the world tour of Britain.
So bloody excited.
Dippy still not got leave sorted, so it might be a one day old gits crazy flier.
Still awaiting a single decent kebab review though...
Double post, just turn up and whip me hard on the day.
This looks like actually happening, full day on park after vodka sarsparilla sodas over crushed ice the night before in a dodgy travelodge near Heathrow.
Three old gits silly with excitement like little kids at Christmas.
It is good to belong.
The my bloody volvo thoosiecruiser is running in fine.
Still awaiting a single decent kebab review though...
I've actually attempted to get a kebab on two previous Thorpe Park visits this year. Each time I've been told that they'd run out of meat and to return in 20 mins, to then be told the same thing upon my return. I shall possibly endeavour a third and final time, later this week, but after that you're on your own!
Wednesday is a good day to choose for me. That's also the day before my 42nd birthday would you believe.

Only issue I may come up with now is our house move. Accepted an offer on mine and reserved a new build last week. Developers want us to exchange contracts on 10th. But I think that's optimistic and we're looking at the week after or early November at the least
I'm being forcibly marched into Sainsbury's, in Staines upon Thames, for a meal deal. No amount of hissing and honking is producing an alternative result. Something about tightening belts and unholy amounts of money on Oasis tickets.

The drama is still unfolding, the saga and story not yet over.

Are we looking for prices, reviews, menu options or all three? I'll try and sneak away.
Sod the kebabs… what you lot need to try is the doughnut time doughnuts.

They are sublime. Bigger and cheaper than towers. Grab a doughnut from the van then head to Last Call Cafe for a hot drink to go with it. The only civilised option.

The uncivilised head to Camden Junction for a pint with their doughnuts. Or so @Poisson tells me…
Sod the kebabs… what you lot need to try is the doughnut time doughnuts.

They are sublime. Bigger and cheaper than towers. Grab a doughnut from the van then head to Last Call Cafe for a hot drink to go with it. The only civilised option.

The uncivilised head to Camden Junction for a pint with their doughnuts. Or so @Poisson tells me…
I swear you're on comission.