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Mini Meet Thorpe Park Weds 18th September 2024

I keep having the same issue as @GooseOnTheLoose

They never have the proper kebabs available. I did get a Chicken Tikka one a few weeks back but didn't think it was worthy of a full review.

They're pretty big but not much meat in it. Packed full of chips and salad. V good for a theme park snack but disappointing in the wider world of kebabs.

I was spited again today, but I do have a menu of available prices for you to scoff at.1000024424.jpg
I wonder why they list the Smartwater bottle size in ml (the unit we are most familiar with) but list the soft drink size in oz? I can tell you what 500ml of drink looks like but I couldn’t say the same of what 22oz looks like, it seems a very American thing to state the size that way. Maybe they do it because they think it sounds better for the customer than saying that you are paying £4.25 for 454ml of drink.
I wonder why they list the Smartwater bottle size in ml (the unit we are most familiar with) but list the soft drink size in oz? I can tell you what 500ml of drink looks like but I couldn’t say the same of what 22oz looks like, it seems a very American thing to state the size that way. Maybe they do it because they think it sounds better for the customer than saying that you are paying £4.25 for 454ml of drink.
Because Coke, weirdly, insist on using imperial measurements even in the UK for their standard sizes from fountains. I hadn't noticed it though, which is odd for me, because I usually kick up a fuss about how having the measurement displayed in fluid ounces, only, is actually forbidden under the Weights and Measures Act. You can display metric only, but if you're displaying an imperial measurement then you must include, and give equal prominence to, the metric conversion.
Since when have they put chips inside the wrap...not on the outside.
Cheap vegetative filler?!
The first theme park kebab I ever had was an excellent "real thing" doner about a decade ago.
At Thorpe!