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TowersStreet Planet Coaster Speed Build Contest 2024/25: Any Round Ideas?

Matt N

TS Member
Favourite Ride
Mako (SeaWorld Orlando)
Hi guys. With today being the first day of September, that means that meteorological summer is over and closed season is rattling ever closer… which means that the TowersStreet Speed Build Contest 2024/25 is also rattling ever closer, if people still fancy one this closed season! The start of the next contest should only be around 2 months away (based on when Alton Towers shuts, I’m thinking that I’ll probably post the first round at some point around Saturday 9th November and sign everyone up a bit before that) if all goes well.

Thus far in the Speed Build Contests, I realise that I’ve mostly concocted the rounds myself with very little input from anyone else. With this in mind, I thought I’d explicitly offer the opportunity for people to offer up their own round ideas that they think would be fun to play. So, have you got any round ideas that you think would be fun for us to play with this closed season?

If you’ve got a round idea that you’ve always wanted to try, the floor is yours! I have a few fun round ideas of my own that I’d like to try out, but any ideas are welcome and I’m fully open to suggestions!

For some ideas of what sort of round I tend to go for, I’d recommend a look through previous Speed Build Contest threads to refresh your memory, if you’re unsure whether a round idea of yours would fit the general ethos of the contests:
But in general, all I’d say is that I tend to make the rounds purposefully quite broad in terms of constraints, and not requiring things like specific ride types. I enforce constraints on footprint as well as vital statistics like height/speed/length and even sometimes element types (e.g. “must have at least 1 launch”), but I never enforce specific ride types. I don’t want to bank on people having certain DLCs, and I don’t know if anyone else agrees, but I also think that seeing what different things people come up with adds to the fun for me! I think that enforcing specific ride types would take away some of that fun.

I usually tend to make my rounds in the form of a “brief” set within a real-world theme park (with a bit of poetic license, of course; this is just a bit of fun, after all!).

On a slightly unrelated note, another thing I’d say is that I have made the decision to not allow the use of Planet Coaster 2 in the 2024/25 contest. I don’t know how many are going to be early adopters, and I don’t know if the game will even have been released by the start of the contest, so I think it would be easier if we just stuck with the original Planet Coaster for the 2024/25 contest to keep the playing field level.

I hear some of you asking “Matt, why are you canvassing for round ideas now? It’s only 1st September; the schools aren’t even back from their summer holidays yet!”. And to be fair, that is a valid question! My reason for doing it now is because I’m starting a Master’s degree on 23rd September, and I’m unsure of how much free time I will have after that, so I’ve decided that I’m going to try and concoct the contest, templates and such before I start university to try and give myself as little work as possible when the contest is actually running. I’m currently unsure of what my Master’s degree workload will be like and how much free time I’ll actually have come the autumn, so I thought it might be good to get this thing sussed before I start university in case the workload ends up being massive.

But I’d be interested to know; if people are still interested in the idea of a 2024/25 Speed Build Contest, do you have any round ideas that you think would be fun to try? If you do, the floor is yours! I should say that there are only a finite number of rounds, and I have some ideas of my own that I’d like to try, so I may not be able to implement everybody’s suggestions, but I am open to hearing people’s ideas!

And in general, if you have any feedback from previous contests or anything that you’d like me to change for the 2024/25 contest, please be honest with me and tell me! I’m 100% open to any constructive feedback or suggestions.
Could we have a budget challenge?
It is possible to set up a scenario with $x and full refunds on removing track.
I’m not 100% sure if I can do that. I think I can do a Challenge mode map and set an amount of money, but I’m unsure… I’ll have a look into it!
EDIT: Sorry @Thameslink Rail; I completely misread your post and thought you were asking me if it was possible to do that! That is definitely a fun idea that I’ll keep in mind!
Merlin parks are currently ripping out rapids/water rides, there's options for doing a replacement for LLW/TP/AT/Garda easily enough, just done an attempt in NL2
Rita Replacement - must fit in Dark Forest with Thirteen and the current buildings in tact, and be below the tree line.

An RMC for Towers - Can an RMC be built below the tree line with just the use of chain lifts? Must use one of the core game default RMC's to avoid DLC (coaster roster is identical on both versions of the game, so there should be no trouble) and fit within the current park boundaries or Air car park (no cross valley).

Not Brake Run the Ride - Must fit on the Hyperia site, and at least match it's speed and height as a minimum.

New thrill coaster for Paultons - Must be in the existing park boundaries and comply with Paultons current planning challenges.

Ferrari Land new coaster - must fit a current plot around Portadventuras Ferrari Land without removing Red Force or buildings etc.

Flagship coaster for Universal GB - Must fit in Orlando's Velocicoaster site.

Beat the Smiler - Same foot print, same height, see if you can get 15 or more inversions out of that space.

Breans first big step - major investment for Brean. Must fit on the market land owned by the park which sits behind Bulldog Coaster.