Yeah, had a really good day today, was a pleasure to meet up with you guys for the first, and definitely not the last time

As some of you probably remember, it's a bit scary turning up to your first meet and not knowing anyone, but by the afternoon, I was already starting to feel much less like a spare part, and more like part of the furniture

Thanks Ellie and badger ('I think you're going to fit in here, just fine!) for making meeting up easy, introductions and generally looking after me at the start of the day. Alas, it turns out I'm a bit crap with names, so I'm STILL not sure on quite a lot of you, but we'll work on that
It was very, very, very, very COLD - totally different weather from last Sunday, as it pretended to snow much of the day, and while that meant the park was the quietest I'd seen it in a LONG time (and it was nice to get more than one ride on Hex, Spinball and even Air for a change), it's also why I went quiet and hid in my coat at some points, particularly the final walk back to the hotel - but the temperature was moreorless the only bad point of the day, especially finding there was almost nowhere we could hide from it; even Towers Trading and the Tavern were cold as hell
Onto the highlights then

-As I said, it was very quiet, plenty of rides on everything we wanted (and then some!), and Nemesis was its usual brilliant self at the front AND the back :twirly:
-Moshi Monster wordplay; Washy monster, Butternut Squashy monster, Bish-bash-boshy monster etc. all made me laugh entirely too much
-Two Kitkats for the price of one (well, for the price of ten really, but we won't get into that!) added to the fact that I only just remembered them at the bottom of my bag

-The bag, for its part, proved quite useful - Formula 1 is always a good icebreaker with some people; clearly better than football, but I think I got around that one with Harry Potter and Simpsons quotes

-3 laps of Mine Train. Although thinking about it, that possibly wasn't a highlight!!!
-My 'I don't... actually like pizza' lunchtime awkwardness being easily solved

-Exploring the farm, something I've not done for a long time - as well as annoying the talking worm. I think we heard his entire repertoire of made-up words while waiting for people to meet up after lunch!
-Spinball Playground faff - started as a feeble attempt at keeping warm, but turned into hilarity. It was at that point that I decided I'd definitely found my new home - I'd love to see you guys let loose in Toverland!! TS, I've decided, is quite different from other forums I've been on this past in some ways, but let loose on a playground, moreorless exactly the same.
-EXTREMELY sweet caramel latte in Cloud Cuckoo Land; warmed me up for half an hour or so, and made sure I was more like my usual loud, animated self for the walk through Haunted Hollow
-Ellie's 'BUT I DON'T WANT TO GO ON AIR!!!' tantrum at the end of the day, and subsequent funny looks.
-Not being the only smoker (I
think you're Josh, but not 100%), so feeling like much less of a social leper, and having a few good conversations at the back of the group while everyone else was being loud

-Defrosting in the hotel bar at the end of the day, I really enjoyed this part and not just for the warmth, it was a shame it was Sunday and we coudn't stay longer, as that was my first proper chat with quite a few people. At the risk of massaging his ego, and while I still don't agree entirely on the Efteling/Europa issues, Sam is clearly hilarious, though as I said: I've not come home TALKING like HIM. I AM GLAD ABOUT THIS

Other people need honourable mentions at this point, but like I said, I didn't learn everyone's names!
-Not having to pay for car parking, because the barriers were up by the time I left. Heh-heh-heh

-For some reason the 'So, Will, I've been trying to figure it out all day, are you gay or straight?' at the end of the day amused me as well - I've never thought I'm sexually ambiguous in the slightest (especially not if we've got any pocket sized brunette members!!!) but again, it's funny to see the question still comes up in ANY coaster group
I may end up adding to the list, as there were too many laughs to remember all at the same time, but suffice to say, that was a much better use of my Sunday than staying in bed. Though I'm looking forward to getting back into it and warming up! So basically, thanks for having me

As I mentioned, I sadly can't make the mid-March meet due to other commitments, but I'll definitely see you again in May for the Smiler, or maybe even a weekend before then... or maybe you're going to drag me kicking and screaming to Europa