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Got to be a fresh tiger baguette, cut down the middle, a little bit of butter, bit of pepper and all the ham you can fit in the thing.
I'm really not a fan of ham, ergo I don't actually like ham sandwiches...

*steps back and watches the disgust and anger settle in*

On the subject of Twitter, I used it religiously for years (since around the end of 2008 I think). Even if I had 700+ tweets in my stream that I hadn't read, I'd take the (large amount of) time to read them.

For the past, eh, month or so though, I've just suddenly and completely lost interest, and I don't know why - that's after 4+ years of using it! I still tweet occasionally, but I just don't keep up to date with the people I follow, at all. No idea whether this is a blip or I've genuinely lost interest - time will tell, I suppose.
Cheese and ham with peanut butter instead of butter.


I've only been using it for a little while, and I find it's good to keep up with people and be the snarky git I am with my friends in small bite-sized chunks.
Islander said:
For the past, eh, month or so though, I've just suddenly and completely lost interest, and I don't know why - that's after 4+ years of using it! I still tweet occasionally, but I just don't keep up to date with the people I follow, at all. No idea whether this is a blip or I've genuinely lost interest - time will tell, I suppose.

It gets a bit overwhelming, Twitter that is, not ham - ham is never overwhelming, despite your controversial views on the subject! ;D

If it came down to deciding between Ham and Twitter, I have to say Ham for me.

Yes, although I have some great wins from Twitter, I still prefer ham.
I use twitter to keep updated with people I love, themeparks, and the other 10 people who use it in my year, (srsly, I thought twitter was the new 'swagg', y u no use it swaggy hipster year 8s?) Its good, but following around 200 constant tweeters gets very annoying. I prefer facebook (use it with my mums guidence, she allowed me to, as long as she can check!) As I can interact with my friends and family, pages I like and talk to people. Its basically twitter, but Imo less complicated and busy.

Oh, and ham? Who eats ham? Its got to be bacon.
I'm a big Twitter user and much prefer it to FB because of the 140 character you tend not to get as many overly long statuses about what someone has done on a particular day, or why they're pissed off at someone etc.

The hashtag I think is brilliant and has its advantages as well, do you remember the #riotscleanup hashtag? A good example of the power of Twitter for good.

Personally, I find Twitter great for keeping in touch with friends as well as up to date with celebs I like, football scores (it's quicker than BBC) and news.
Although I use it to follow a large number of people from my school, the reason I love it is for the up to date news, sports scores and other key bits of information. It's much easier to constantly check twitter than searching through loads of sites.

I don't really use Facebook all that much any more and haven't posted a status for over a year, but I'm on it almost all the time as its the easiest way to chat to my friends most of the time.

Sent from Tapatalk, excuse any mistakes.
On the subject of Twitter, if anyone would like a Twitter sig like mine then I'd be more than happy to make it :)
Twitter is brilliant for many reasons. Sure it may not be everyone's cup of tea but it is a very good and very capable service.

If you don't find the tweets you see interesting, I follow and follow other people with similar interests to your own.

Also, if you get annoyed with what some people have to say, block them. They will not be able to see your tweets then (unless they log out of their account to see as a guest).

I think any Social Networking site has the unlikeable characters on it, and its not just Twitter. Why be bothered by these though, as you don't have to connect with them.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I fluctuate with use on Twitter, sometimes I'll tweet every hour or I'll simply abandon it for a few days for multiple reasons, as with content on Twitter which ranges from snippets of my personal life that other friends may find humorous or noteworthy to message back to an extent of film discussion (with myself).

Twitter won't be to everybody's tastes like Facebook and Tumblr but it's all about how you use it. It's fairly useful for tracking progress on a project, wanting to hear more views by somebody famous or not or simply being linked to photos of cats on a daily basis or broadcasting a business!
I used to be one of those people who hated Twitter without ever using it, which looking back on it now makes me feel very silly, and I swore to myself that I would never even use it. However after a day at Winter Wonderland last year, I bumped into a couple of my friends and they suggested to me that I'd make a Twitter account as they no longer used Facebook (so I can still keep in contact with them), and I decided to do so.

The result? Well I was wrong as I think it's a great website. It keeps me up to date with all the current events with the accounts I watch, like BBC News, Sky Sports, Basically all of the news accounts. But one of the best things about Twitter are the parody accounts. There's a lot of funny ones and they make me laugh. And of course I just follow my friends, celebrities, and companies.

To be honest, ever since joining Twitter, I've gotten a lot more sociable with people on there. I don't really feel as awkward when I chat to people on Facebook (Which is very rarely). So that's another good thing about it.

Sure it's not everyone's taste, I even know 1 or 2 people who prefer Facebook to it. But we all have the right to like whatever we want.
I admit that the first time I used Twitter, I didn't have a clue what I was doing so it took me a while to get into the swing of things. Then more of my friends started getting accounts, then I was suddenly using it every day.

Mainly I post whatever's on my mind which I don't think people would care on Facebook. It is a great way for me to network with other people, especially as I am starting the job hunt atm. I guess it all depends on the person, it's like marmite, you either love it or hate it. :)
I like Twitter. Use it everyday to rant or talk theme parks or get updates on motorsport from the teams direct. #getcorrected ;)

There really is that many mistakes in my posts?! Damn this Tapatalk milarky! :)
If you've got a specific interest in a certain type of music, culture or sport, Twitter isn't without it's downsides, but it can be a brilliant source of information and debate. I think as a general communication platform that it's pretty crap though, and encourages boorish opinion and sub-Facebook blandness above anything else. It's easy to fill with utter banality.