Which promise? They've promised very little but costed what little they have.
Hang on a tic, a couple of pages back you were telling the forum that you vote for an MP rather than a PM. Which is it?
Yea that was a slip of the keyboard, it should of been Tory or Labour, not Truss or Starmer.
They have promised a lot this week and costed very little, you think setting up a green energy company will be cheap?
It won’t pay for itself for years if ever due to the “green” part, nothing wrong with renewables but energy producers have a balanced portfolio to make the huge profits they are making.
I'm also genuinely interested to how you've come this conclusion so far? I 100% get why old school Tory supporters want tax cuts for the rich and the pursuit of Thatcherite policies. I bitterly disagree with that position but I'm grown up enough at this stage to understand that this is the view of some people.
But do you not think that everything has now gone well beyond this stage? Has politics, old allegiances and fanboyism (including those of the left) now gone well beyond everything else at this point? Is this not now about trust in the wake of Johnson and competence with Truss.
Even if I hated Labour, everything they ever stood for and generally everything about them, I would prefer to spoil my ballot paper or vote for some weirdo independent than vote for the current administration. A Tory MP was asked anonymously today for their opinion on the situation and their response was something along the lines of "I haven't been paying much attention to the situation. I've been busy looking for alternative work, looking at my mortgage and reviewing whether my pensions are safe or not".
Do you not think this has now gone way beyond party politics? Even if you hate Labour and think their spending plans are ridiculous, has it now simply not become a case of making the best of a bad job?
I'm genuinely interested by the way, and I hate the Tories and most of what they've done in my lifetime so much that I can't ever conceive a situation in which I'd ever vote for them. But if a Labour government had acted anywhere near as irresponsibly as this government has between 2019 and the current day, I'd be scrambling to vote for almost anyone other than them at the next election.
Is this not now about the respect for our democracy, institutions, the seat of government, trust and competence at this point?
Yes I do want tax cuts and small government, I believe in letting people decide where to spend their own money and free markets.
I hate socialism and the belief that government can run everything better, I can’t stand the politics of envy that the Labour Party have pushed for the last 5 or so years.
They voted to outlaw private schools at conference a couple of years ago, how is that anything other than a policy of envy? Punish middle earners for having dreams of bettering themselves, that seems to be Labour policy.
The current Tory administration have given the impression of incompetence and I think Truss is useless at every level but I agree with almost everything that was done in the mini budget last week, the mistake was timing and doing it all together, it was a rush job and that’s what panicked the market.
I would have done more personally like move the 40% tax bracket up to around 80k and then increased that bracket to 45%, or actually had a complete rethink of the tax system and merge national insurance and income tax but then this was only a “mini budget”.
Incidentally the one thing that Truss and Co. might have achieved is bursting the housing bubble, surely bringing house prices down to sensible levels that people can afford is a good thing? (I’m not sure that was the intention though)