TS Member
Can you cite the source on “huge numbers lying” claim?
We are barely processing any claims so curious what the source of that statement is.
The top answer on Google, which itself is debunking false reporting on the matter by The Scum, is from a few years ago with official figures that still put it as 20% of all unaccompanied child immigrants. That to me is huge numbers. Experience and logic tells me the numbers would be higher now, with the rise in OCGs expoiting people in facilitating small boat crossings and schooling people on how to successfully reach and remain in the UK as part of their 'service'.
In terms of processing claims the test is made not at the point of decision but on inital detention, and thise are obviously prrocessed as they occur. I obviously can't speak directly about any case or incident, but the process is no secret. A group (usually, rarely an individual) are stopped by police or immigration, the detainees give their details, any that state they are children but present as adult are seen immediately by local social workers trained in the Meron test used to determine age. Those deemed to be adults will be taken to detention (either straight to immigration or often police custody first awaiting paperwork and transfer to immigration), those deemed to be children will be taken by social care who look after them instead. The test is complex, but where there is a boarderline decision the is always an err on the side of caution and be treated as a child, so there is no doubt that any official number will be an under report of the number giving a flase age. No children will be trying to pass as an adult as there is nothing to be gained in that.
A freedom of information request on how frequently the Merton test is carried out and how many fail the test could be an interesting one.
And that's not necessarily to put 'blame' (that doesn't feel like the right word) on those making false claims of age. Someone desperate, especially those exploited by OCGs, can be expected to desperate things to achieve what they feel they need.