£2 for two hours is still quite cheap. As much as I hate paying for parking when we do drive, I do think that the parking charge should be at least as much as the bus travel would be, all those little things might add up to encourage more walking or bus use.
As much as I don’t disagree that encouraging more walking or bus use would not be a bad thing, I’d argue that it should come in tandem with increased investment into public transport. Perhaps even through investing the profits gained from such levies and price increases into better public transport.
In urban areas, where you have public transport that is reliable and frequent, I can understand the logic a little more, but here in the Forest of Dean, buses are either not reliable, not frequent or both. My village only sees one bus pass through it every 2-3 hours or so in each direction, and the service is sometimes not the most reliable either.
For people living in this region, public transport often isn’t a very practical or desirable option. If I, for instance, wanted to go to Lydney to do a spot of shopping in Tesco, I would have to take a bus at, say, 9:30am, arrive in Lydney about 5 minutes later, do my shopping, and then somehow kill another couple of hours because the next bus in the other direction to go home doesn’t arrive until 12:30pm. If I wanted to go further up the Forest to, say, Coleford, my bus journey could take the best part of 2 hours if I coordinate the bus times badly, compared to around 15-20 minutes and less than 10 miles if you drive. It would also cost more in bus fees than the equivalent amount of petrol would cost; even with bus singles currently capped at £2, it would still cost at least £4 each way (due to having to change bus), compared with maybe £1 each way at most in petrol.
So my point is; if public transport doesn’t improve, then I’d argue that this parking fee quadruple could have a different effect to that intended. People could try and park for free in lay-bys and/or on residential streets, which would annoy residents and cause problems in terms of parking overcrowding on those streets. Or alternatively, it could make people visit the town centres less often or even deter them from visiting at all. As my mum pointed out to me earlier, £2 for 2 hours is a big increase from 50p for 2 hours, and if you visit one of the Forest towns a lot, then that increase will add up massively over a period of time, which could cause people to review their visitation of the Forest towns. I’d imagine that that isn’t what Forest of Dean District Council wants.