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UK Politics General Discussion

What will be the result of the UK’s General Election?

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Or Harry Hill shouts “Fight”

So how does everyone feel having someone who sounds like a darlek for PM? Just needs a toilet plunger and a kitchen whisk sticking out of his chest to make the look complete.
Or Harry Hill shouts “Fight”

So how does everyone feel having someone who sounds like a darlek for PM? Just needs a toilet plunger and a kitchen whisk sticking out of his chest to make the look complete.

He is a slight improvement on Ed Miliband but still sounds like he needs to blow his nose !
Going back to party member favourites being parachuted into safe seats.
Round here, a dalek would be elected if it stood for Labour.
So we had Jack Straw dropped on us...who Thatcher said was a decent bloke...says it all.
Blood on his hands from Iraq, expenses issues, early business payments while still an MP, cash for access scandals, and a wife well wrapped in the post office scandal.
To a large number of his constituents, he was described as a Tory in disguise...Maggies recommendation didn't help.

The funniest one was when he visited his constituency office, he simply refused to pay for his local parking.
His special police officers would stand by his car for ages, across the road from the pub where I used to spend rainy afternoons playing pinball...sending the wardens away with a showing of a warrant card...but they would argue the toss...he had no right to free parking, even if on constituency work.
The local parking wardens did a stunning play...one distracted the police officer in lengthy discussion on the legal issue of him being in a paid space, but not paying, while another printed off the penalty ticket and stuck it on the windscreen, to mighty cheers from the dozen of us watching from the pub.

Apparently, the ticket was paid...eventually, but only after the local radio station raised the issue on the local politics show...
"Is Mr Straw so special he can duck his legal parking tickets?"...so he paid up...still insisting he didn't have to.
Don't mess with me, I'm the Foreign Secretary.

But that Barbara Castle was special...she brought in seat belts and the breathalyser...because cars killed more people in Britain than Hitler did...
She came to our school to give out the Cycling Proficiency badges....more road safety you see.
I kept it as a relevant qualification for job applications.
Whipped it out for my job application to social services...
It must have worked, I got the job.
FPTP will produce whatever wild result it wishes on the day. That said, I feel only wheeling out desperate populist promises on the death penalty, a 90%+ ban on all immigration, and attacking those on benefits will deliver the Tories a wild FPTP win now.

Labour's position will somewhat weaken towards polling day unless they have real and striking policies. Getting rid of the House of Lords in its current format would be one that would gain massive cross-spectrum support.

To be honest, even under FPTP, if people fail to kick out the Conservative Party after all this time and what has happened, that'd be pretty embarrassing.
I appreciate the above is a joke but the Conservatives and their client media have done a great job convincing people that all politicians are the same so no point voting for Labour as they'll be just as bad... The truth is there's only one party that has decimated public services in this country over the last decade and it's not Labour.
The smoke is still bellowing out from the barrel of the starting gun. Yet Nigel Farage, the guy who practically wrapped himself in Union Jacks whilst masterfully getting the most successful political party in UK history to bend to his will whilst they were in government, despite never holding elected office in this country himself (was an MEP), has decided that this election is so in the bag for Labour that his time would be better spent helping his mate Trump in America. You know, the election that isn't being held in a few weeks time. In a country that he is not a citizen of. What a patriot. It's like when James Dyson campaigned for Brexit then sodded off out the country in the end anyway.

The most extreme end projection, from the poll that is at the most extreme end of all of them (YouGov) can't be used in isolation to draw conclusions. Not a single vote has been cast yet. The Tories are banking on dissolutionened voters staying at home thinking the election is a done deal so no point voting. Reform are relying on it to make their move. It's the excuse they're using anyway, and Tories are already painting them as Labour enablers. People staying at home thinking there's no point as it's a done deal, scaring people away from voting Reform, the left vote moving towards smaller parties, shy Tories coming out from under their rocks, and the large amount of "don't knows" sounds like it could all amalgamate to cost Labour dearly.

On Reform, I would imagine the short notice of this election was strategically engineered to also include seeing off Reform. The Conservatives and Labour will have no problem selecting candidates in time as they are large entities with cash. Reform is small and disorganised. Richard Tice originally claimed he was going to stand a candidate in every mainland GB seat. He's now downgrading this slightly, but I'd be surprised if he could achieve that. That's a lot of deposits, some of which he could loose, and there's also the issue of the vetting problem. Reform, like UKIP before them, attract some rather colour characters. I can't see that they'll have the resources or time to vet and the 620 candidates that Tice is claiming he can stand. I'd be surprised if he ended up standing many more than half of that. I think he'll end up targeting seats.
The smoke is still bellowing out from the barrel of the starting gun. Yet Nigel Farage, the guy who practically wrapped himself in Union Jacks whilst masterfully getting the most successful political party in UK history to bend to his will whilst they were in government, despite never holding elected office in this country himself (was an MEP), has decided that this election is so in the bag for Labour that his time would be better spent helping his mate Trump in America. You know, the election that isn't being held in a few weeks time. In a country that he is not a citizen of. What a patriot. It's like when James Dyson campaigned for Brexit then sodded off out the country in the end anyway.

The most extreme end projection, from the poll that is at the most extreme end of all of them (YouGov) can't be used in isolation to draw conclusions. Not a single vote has been cast yet. The Tories are banking on dissolutionened voters staying at home thinking the election is a done deal so no point voting. Reform are relying on it to make their move. It's the excuse they're using anyway, and Tories are already painting them as Labour enablers. People staying at home thinking there's no point as it's a done deal, scaring people away from voting Reform, the left vote moving towards smaller parties, shy Tories coming out from under their rocks, and the large amount of "don't knows" sounds like it could all amalgamate to cost Labour dearly.

On Reform, I would imagine the short notice of this election was strategically engineered to also include seeing off Reform. The Conservatives and Labour will have no problem selecting candidates in time as they are large entities with cash. Reform is small and disorganised. Richard Tice originally claimed he was going to stand a candidate in every mainland GB seat. He's now downgrading this slightly, but I'd be surprised if he could achieve that. That's a lot of deposits, some of which he could loose, and there's also the issue of the vetting problem. Reform, like UKIP before them, attract some rather colour characters. I can't see that they'll have the resources or time to vet and the 620 candidates that Tice is claiming he can stand. I'd be surprised if he ended up standing many more than half of that. I think he'll end up targeting seats.
Yet I have a Reform candidate in my seat, a Workers one too, but no Labour.
Why the hell would you be in Northern Ireland when the Tories do not stand there? He doesn't even come across as trying/wanting to win. Probably just wants it all to end by this point.
If you want the current government gone, but are unsure of who to vote for, I'd recommend a look at this website: https://tactical.vote/

Put in your postcode or look up your constituency, and it should tell you who your ideal vote is if you don't want the Tories to return to power. With our First Past the Post voting system, you have to vote against what you don't want rather than for what you do, and this website should advise you on how to do that.
If you want the current government gone, but are unsure of who to vote for, I'd recommend a look at this website: https://tactical.vote/

Put in your postcode or look up your constituency, and it should tell you who your ideal vote is if you don't want the Tories to return to power. With our First Past the Post voting system, you have to vote against what you don't want rather than for what you do, and this website should advise you on how to do that.
Luckily for me, the tactical vote in my constituency of Congleton is the same as I'd intend on voting anyway (Labour), so I don't have to make a compromise, but I do feel for anyone who has a tougher choice.