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UK Politics General Discussion

What will be the result of the UK’s General Election?

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Anything popular with pensioners is going into the Conservative Party manifesto. They are more likely to vote, and more likely to vote Tory. The party has put all its eggs into the basket of getting pensioners to change their mind about staying at home on 4 July.

It does seem as though more people support national service than you might expect, though... the Tories are claiming that 57% of the country supports national service. It definitely seems to appeal to some older voters in particular.

57% of Mail on Sunday readers...bloody obvious you fools.
The other 43% were also Mail subscribers, but actually dead, so didn't vote.

We should take bets on their next policy. Leaving the ECHR? Banning abortions? Death penalty? Bringing back corporal punishment in schools?
Bringing back singing the national anthem every day in schools.

And another one...

Nice to see the underage teens will still be able to smoke and vape to their hearts content in the future due to the election.
The tobacco lobby bribed their way to mission accomplished for another year.
All those extra teenage smokers to start paying tax nice and early...
Sorry, confusion in trying to be clever multiposting quotes...
Managed it earlier...scored a hattrick...bugger.
Whip me later sweeties.
The death penalty (or a referendum on it) is a sitting duck for desperate populism, just wondering if Reform will beat the Tories to it.

4 July feels like a million years away. Would rather go into stasis/suspended animation for a month.
I usually hate bloodsports me.
But there is always the exception to prove the rule...
Going to enjoy every last newspaper column.
Spent more than a few hours smirking at the soaraway Sun and the Mail this week.
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Out of interest what happens to someone in full time education and then hitting 18? Would they have their education suspended while they do their service or would it be put back a year?
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The most amusing part of the policy is that there’s already a voluntary youth citizen service scheme in place (NCS) that gov have pumped hundreds of millions in to over the last decade and a half, but completely stopped marketing to young people and existed as nothing except a money sink nobody took any interest in. And the sad thing is, the people I knew who did it absolutely loved it (although admittedly they’re all Scout-y types who do volunteering anyway so that might be a bit biased).

Sadly however, just doing another marketing campaign in schools and on the various platforms isn’t a good manifesto pledge. Enter Rishi making a fool of himself.
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Out of interest what happens to someone in full time education and then hitting 18? Would they have their education suspended while they do their service or would it be put back a year?
Good point, and here is how it will be...
If you are not in employment, education or training in the month before your eighteenth birthday, then a year in the forces would be compulsory, spud bashing in the army or full time voluntary work for the white feather conchies like me.
Those in employment, education or training get to do the good stuff, for fun, at the weekends, for a few quid.
Poshies in the air force, kinky in the navy...as ever before.
Refusers will be whipped publicly, on Thursday afternoons,(half day closing still round here) on the town square, with viewing at modest charges for the s&m friends, to make punishment self funding.
Don't you read the bloody manifesto...it is all in the small print in the appendices.
There was a Tory politician on the radio earlier who was asked how people would be forced to do it and he said that if they refused they wouldn't go to jail or be arrested, there would be other means to deal with it. So, as usual, people wouldn't take any notice if they didn't want to.
There was a Tory politician on the radio earlier who was asked how people would be forced to do it and he said that if they refused they wouldn't go to jail or be arrested, there would be other means to deal with it. So, as usual, people wouldn't take any notice if they didn't want to.
Other means...the big whip on thursdays...
if they refused they wouldn't go to jail or be arrested
That would involve building prisons you see, or reforming the justice system so that we don't have the highest prison population in Europe (just by numbers alone, not even per capita and excluding Russia and Turkey) to make space for them.

Side note, we should also probably stop being one of two nations in Europe who give whole life orders / life sentences to children. The other is Ireland, but guess where it's a carry over from?
That would involve building prisons you see, or reforming the justice system so that we don't have the highest prison population in Europe (just by numbers alone, not even per capita and excluding Russia and Turkey) to make space for them.

Side note, we should also probably stop being one of two nations in Europe who give whole life orders / life sentences to children. The other is Ireland, but guess where it's a carry over from?
A life sentence for any child should be no longer than the life of the individual concerned...that is a life sentence in real experience to the guilty young person.
I have worked with some of the very naughty.
Some grow up into ace adults.
They grow out of it, realise they are on the wrong track, and come back for help.
The agencies and volunteers are out there.
There is always the medical route at the end of sentence.
Medication instead of criminal justice is a real alternative to many, and it works.
Young people with naughty behaviour are usually copying a local naughty grown up.
British criminal justice has been on the edge of collapse for decades though, it is again really funny that they have to send prisoners home early, stop arresting people, and delay sentencing even further, just as rishi throws his hat in the ring...
Top show, what?

Bring it on.
So give up a year of your life to join the armed forces or spend 12 weekends volunteering with the vulnerable . I think they’re banking on kids choosing the latter.
I think someone somewhere is looking for a cushty contract managing DBS checks!

Oh and “mandatory volunteering”. Something wrong with that phrase.
Oh yes...my hospital experience, buildings lukewarm, lots of waterhammers, lights out...strange strange noises...come on hospital staff...that elephant two floors away...why?
Staff 10/10
Inc domestic and the bedrunners...running.
Look, due to hospital etc, I spent several hours laughing at the Sun and Mail coverage.
Absolutely hysterical.
Boris would be a great help right now.
New question...
How much did an anonymous hard right businessman pay Farage to stay the flip out of it then???
And keep Boris abroad.
Without reading into the arguments put forward on here, the general consensus in the country and between a massive portion of the public seem to indicate labour will be a majority win. Full stop. This is also strongly supported by how people voted in the local elections.

From what I've seen, the general population do not give a toss who is the leader of the pack that's irrelevant, the country feels like they have been shafted and shafted hard, so they will vote for change regardless.

We are drowning in national debt, public services have been completly decimated, knife crime is peaking and is worse per square foot than gun crime is in the USA. We've all sat at home as a matter of law while the people in charge partied, lied and then issued massive grants to fake company's from the public purse, before we even consider scandals such as the ferry company's, broken promises and pure bolloks. Then we've been through more PMs in the last few years than most other developed country's get through in 30 years, all with the Tories leading the pack.

The day we voted to leave, our PM who pledged to serve and act in the interest of this county quit and did a runner. If that doesn't tell you so much about the Tories in general, then I pitty you to be honest

No one can argue them facts as they are measurable and provable facts. It has been a joke, no one can argue that these are driving factors for the majority of the nation wanting change.

Argue that the opposition is worse in any metric until you are blue in the face, it's hypothetical because they are not and have not been in power. Facts are facts. The fact is, ANY party to come into power has really got to mess up hugely and spectacularly, to become even comparable to the absolute world wide joke and circus that the Tories have turned into and made this country look, in the last decade and a bit.

The country is on its absolute arse, you've got to be deluded to try and defend the Tories at this point. Could the opposition do a better job? Who knows, no one knows as they have not been in power. But it is pretty clear that the clowns need to leave and let a different party with different thinking and ideologies have a go, because, well just look at the state this country is in. No one can say a different party will ve worse, when they have not actually been in power and against the back drop of what the Tories have actually done, it's pure speculation, based on very shallow foundations.

You can't argue with facts. Well you can, but it just makes you look silly and makes you look like said people actually understand what a fact is. To their own peril as they say.

The UK right now is the biggest source of entertainment and jokes for the developed world than any other developed county. The Tories have turned us into a laughing stock. As for this mandatory service to anyone at a certain age, never going to happen. This is not 1940. It is 2024. So many rights, religious obligations and accepted freedoms are breached by doing that. I will never get off the ground. Never. It would be challenged on so many levels it's impossible to enforce something like that now. That's if it even got to the point of being legally enforceable. It never would yet there, so many breaches of rights that would be upheld by courts.

Just more horse manure from a non stop ocean the Tories have chocked this nation with. Just this one is a last, desperate attempted to cling onto power.

We cannot even control one of the driving forces behind that outrageous statement. Knife crime. Are the government that deluded that actually think they would be able to demand and control a nation of teenagers at that age. We cannot even keep Police on the streets. Good luck.

For the record I am not a labour supporter either. But we are at the point where the Tories need to go.
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