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UK Politics General Discussion

What will be the result of the UK’s General Election?

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Bring back national service sure, but it also needs to include all ages who missed out on the fantastic opportunity when it was first abolished (exemptions are available but very strict).

That'd make certain sections of the population quiet on it.

I'd wager that they'd also want to prevent people going into higher education. Purely as its seen as very lefty namby pamby these days. Don't want young adults getting ideas.
Easier to manage them with a lack of education.
The poor don't need to understand, just do as they are told by the wise and rich.
Don't want the cannon fodder to get minds of their own...only leads to trouble.
Only triple lock plus...
I wanted triple plus gold, with 15% off at B&Q on tuesdays.

Anonymous punter, true story, fantastic guy, real gent, I have absolute respect for...old captain of industry...discussing our tax returns, back in January.

"Not fair, you having to pay tax on your pension income mate..."

"It was a sixty grand tax bill Rob..."

Lucky bastard.

Perhaps, long term, there could be a little more balance between the haves and have nots.
Lets get those death duties sorted.

For me...
A nice healthy increase in taxes, don't care, put em up in the name of equality after the election...stuff the promises.
A penny each on income tax for education, health, justice, care and poverty.
Use my new air fuel tax to sort the roads and trains out...
Renationalise energy and water.
Double the high tax rates for huge earners.
That would get my vote...repeated.
Bit like Labour before that tory blair fellah.
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It's alright having a triple lock pension but what's the point when the country around them is a pile of stinking shite as soon as they walk out of their front door? Oh look, I've got a few more quid to buy a better brand of biscuits this week, but I probably won't make it to the shops without being mugged because the younger generation have had everything taken away from them to pay for my better biscuits...
It's alright having a triple lock pension but what's the point when the country around them is a pile of stinking shite as soon as they walk out of their front door? Oh look, I've got a few more quid to buy a better brand of biscuits this week, but I probably won't make it to the shops without being mugged because the younger generation have had everything taken away from them to pay for my better biscuits...

Indeed, ‘here is a few extra quid a month Mr Pensioner’

‘Oh, that operation you need so you have any kind of quality of life in your retirement to actually enjoy that new cash? Sorry that’s a 4 year wait because we have decimated the NHS through lack of funding’.
I mean we know why these daft policies are coming out on account of Reform taking votes, but now there's pretty much confirmation of this too:

From: https://x.com/alexwickham/status/1795349195442069817?s=19

On the national service side of things. Maybe if you want to promote "community cohesion" you should maybe give young people a reason to take pride in where they live. Instead of chronically underfunding schools so they can't provide extra curricular activities, or allow them to fence off their green spaces so they can only be used for commercial purposes instead of allowing them to be used by young people to get together and play sports. Or maybe provide councils budgets so that leisure facilities aren't sold off, closed altogether or priced out of reach of many people. Forcing people to "volunteer", especially in things like food banks which shouldn't bloody exist in a civilised society just increases the disdain young people have in the current government. Give them reasons to want to actually volunteer rather than half arsed attempts at gaining the older vote.

On the pensions front... Sigh. Another reason for young people to be completely disillusioned. Years of being told there's no money for important things like mental health or feeding kids, and suddenly it's found for yet another bribe to shore up a desperately shrinking core vote. All while everyone else just has to put up with the fiscal drag that's been forced upon us. Amazing that there's suddenly an ability to get money by reducing tax avoidance when we've been told the opposite for so many years.
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Indeed, ‘here is a few extra quid a month Mr Pensioner’

‘Oh, that operation you need so you have any kind of quality of life in your retirement to actually enjoy that new cash? Sorry that’s a 4 year wait because we have decimated the NHS through lack of funding’.
Correction sir.
Four and a half years on a three to four month waiting list thank you.
Just had a really nice chat with my doctors receptionist about it.
She was ace too.
Specific doctor requested ...appointment tomorrow.
Staples out at requested day... and time on Thursday.
Absolutely faultless when it eventually happens.
If they come out and admit immigration has doubled since Brexit, apologise for that, and agree to legislate for a cap of say 200,000, they might just win some of their core vote back. Unfortunately for them is the ever shrinking number of businesses that back/fund them want free flow, unlimited immigration to supress wages. The Conservative Party paradox continues.

Coming next week: The death penalty for paedophiles and high treason, and £30 billion of research funding for immortality elixirs for the over-70s.
.....meanwhile our beaches are still full of human waste and our roads are crumbling to pieces.
On a separate note; who exactly are The Workers’ Party of Britain?

I only ask because for the first time ever, it would appear that they are fielding a candidate in the Forest of Dean… I don’t know who they are, but whoever they are, it would appear that they’re fielding a candidate around here.

Interestingly, that now makes 6 candidates around here, and that’s before any independents enter the race. Last election, we only had 4 (Conservative, Labour, Green, Independent), but this election, we already have 6 confirmed (Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat, Green, Reform UK, Workers’ Party of Britain).
It is the current vehicle for George Galloway, and his unique brand of pro-Islam pseudo-Communism.
That’s interesting… I thought George Galloway was an independent MP for some reason.

In that case, would I be right in saying that it’s akin to a party of the far left wing of the Labour Party, and those who are/were strong allies of Jeremy Corbyn?
He moves around and creates entities far more than is possible to keep up.

It would be left wing economically (the only useful spectrum of right and left), but socially fascist on many so-called 'woke' issues. It is best described as a unique manifestation of Galloway's extremely fragmented and inconsistent political ideology. Hope this helps.
That’s interesting… I thought George Galloway was an independent MP for some reason.

In that case, would I be right in saying that it’s akin to a party of the far left wing of the Labour Party, and those who are/were strong allies of Jeremy Corbyn?
Galloway makes Corbyn look like Priti Patel, in short.