TS Member
Completely agree. Another thing I think the new government has been right to resist the pressure for. It would automatically lift many children out of poverty for sure, but it isn't a long term solution. The clue is in the name, Labour is supposed to be a party that represents hard working people. Throwing people out of work and making them dependent on benefits is a Tory thing, upping their benefits to keep Thatcherite policies going is New Labour thing.The two child benefit limit is tricky, but was a simple unearned income source for many to avoid work.
Next door but two have had eight kids in a row, with a strong desire for more...yet they stopped breeding about the time the limit was put in.
The good breeders then had to go out and get jobs...both of them.
The system works, but is flawed...hence all the foodbank expansion.
We need to get the people who live their whole lives on benefits back into self support.
I have personally worked with a couple of dozen such families in my previous career, one family alone was costing the state over a million pounds a year in care and benefit costs...and they still kept breeding.
Not isolated examples, but happening in every town and city, and it needs to be paid for out of general taxation.
We are a civil society and can't force sterilisation, so the matter, a real and pressing matter, has been managed to some degree economically.
Something has to be done, the underclass can no longer be funded by the workers, there are simply not enough workers!
Early days yet, but I'm liking what I'm hearing from this new government so far, it's certainly not the Blairite vehicle I was concerned it could've been. A kings speech absolutely stuffed full, resisting temptation just to get the cheque book out to fix everything, not afraid to upset NIMBY's to get houses built. The Rwanda insanity cancelled to plow money back into the border security and processing asylum claims, 20% tax on toff schools by January, and a Junior Doctors pay deal. They're spot on with their analysis of the state of things, their is no money at the treasury, we've never fully recovered from 2008 with growth and productivity being terrible for a generation, and the NHS is indeed "completely broken".
Reeves needs to be careful with all this "worst than we thought" stuff though. They were pretty candid about how bad it was before the election, so I hope she doesn't loose the good will of the public by doubling down on one of the oldest political tricks in the book. I think people have woken up to how bad everything has become, hence the election result, and are prepared to have a grown up debate about how to move forward. If people like me need to pay more taxes, then so be it.
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