I would go as far as saying that Starmer’s response to recent events is the epitome of being “dictated to by the minority”. This government, and indeed the ones that came before it have fostered a culture where wronged communities who abide by the law are ignored, and those who riot are rewarded.
Where was the response to the recent riots in Leeds? Or the storming of the police station in Rochdale? Or indeed any violence deemed to be committed by the “left”. Going back to the recent unsavoury scenes in Leeds, I believe the police literally ran away and the Home Secretary’s response was watered down incase she offended anyone. If some ever doubted that two tier policing was a thing in this country, it’s now clear as day for all to see. In the recent days, I’ve seen footage of Police telling young Muslim men to go and leave their weapons at the mosque. I’ve also seen some harrowing incidents committed by similar groups, but Starmer seems intent on selectively talking about said public unrest, and refuses to condemn ALL who indulge in mindless acts of violence.
The people see the different police treatment and they feel victimised and ignored. They feel helpless that children are being massacred in their town, and helpless that unknown undocumented (and potentially dangerous) foreign men are given free food, housing and healthcare when so many of them struggle to work & feed their kids.
It’s not just the government and the MSM that are dictated to by the minority. You only need to take a close look at the appalling Rotherham grooming gangs saga to see that the abuse went on for years and years as a result of the authorities being scared of being labelled racist if they tackled it.
To me, mass (illegal) immigration was the number one issue in the run up to the recent election. The majority of people I know are also of the same opinion. It’s also glaringly obvious how much of an issue it is across Europe as recent events in France, Hungary and Italy show, and if Trump gets back in to the White House, I believe that his stance on Immigration will have played a key part in him doing so. To put it simply, such widespread support for these “right-wing” parties isn’t the result of millions of downright fascist racists ticking a box in the hope that Immigrants will be eradicated. In the vast majority of instances, it is normal hardworking people, who are fearful of what their (and their Children’s) futures, and nations will look like unless some control is applied to a system that has simply become out of control.
“Stopping the boats” become a key talking point of the general election, and rightfully so for a number of humanitarian and ethical reasons, as well as ultimately the prevention of criminal activity. Let’s not kid ourselves..the vast majority of people on these boats are young men who are often not fleeing countries currently actively engaged in war, and are also not waltzing in to roles as Doctors, Teachers, Paramedic’s etc.
There was some discussion previously about cultures being displaced, and demographics changing. I appreciate that the impact of this is likely to not be felt by a large number of you, but I live in London, and it’s plain to see that some areas/neighbourhoods have changed to the point that they are practically unrecognisable. Spare a thought for the people who grew up in these areas only to witness it all change, without them having any say in it
Although lots of people who choose to come and live in Britain embrace Britain, and the hospitality and culture it offers, there are large numbers of people, and whole communities who keep themselves to themselves, and have no interest in assimilating in to British culture. You only need to take a trip down to Speakers Corner in Hyde Park to see some of the hatred and extremism that is spewed from people who outright despise British/western culture.
We are often led to believe that diversity is our strength, but when said diversity is impacting people’s lives and futures, then that is surely a problem. Elections increasingly seem to concern events in foreign countries, and not things currently happening here in the UK.
I’m well aware of the positive effects that a functional Immigration system offers, but illegal immigration is through the roof, with the numbers likely being far greater than what we are told by the powers that be.
I imagine this post will go down like a lead balloon on here. Please note that personally, I do not condone the recent riots one bit, and there’s no excuse to hurt police officers or innocent civilians, or to burn cars and buildings no matter what colour or religion you are.