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Watching Forums


TS Member

I am new on here and was wondering how I could watch a forum? I have found the link to view the forums you've watched, but not how to actually watch it to begin with. It may be useful for me as I don't have time to log in all the time.

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I am new on here and was wondering how I could watch a forum

I have found the link to view the forums you've watched, but not how to actually watch it to begin with.

maybe useful for me as I don't have time to log in all the time

Hi @Gina19,
To watch a forum, go to the cog icon in the top right corner. There should be an option to "Watch" shown, as shown by my annotations on the below screenshot of the forum interface:
TowersStreet Watch Forum.png
(Apologies for the crude annotation...)

I hope that helps!
Hey, what's a watch list?
Not been here long enough then.
Noticed the chatbox has dropped off the list as well...
"Mark forums read", now that's the button!
Hey, what's a watch list?
Not been here long enough then.
Noticed the chatbox has dropped off the list as well...
"Mark forums read", now that's the button!
The way I understand it (and anyone can correct me) is that you can post a thread, or a reply to a thread and then get alerted of activity in said thread (either through the forum, emails or both).

I think there is something wrong with it

It isn't letting me watch the forums I want
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Are you saying I can just click on that (the new posts section), and see everything? Cool..
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