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Will you still be wearing a face mask from July 19th? (Poll)

Will you still be wearing a face mask beyond July 19th?

  • Yes - It's a small inconenience to proctect others

    Votes: 22 29.3%
  • No - I'll be burning my mask

    Votes: 12 16.0%
  • Depends - I will carry one and use depending how busy and compact places are

    Votes: 38 50.7%
  • Don't know - I'm sitting on the fence at the moment and yet to decide

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Medically Except -

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters
I do believe some people do exaggerate their needs as they think that researched scientific advice in order to protect public health is tantamount to a complete infringement on civil liberties.

For example I have breathing difficulties thanks to facial surgery, asthma, and generalised anxiety. I am also able to wear a mask on board an aircraft with limited access to outdoor areas for 10-12 hours a day with no issue aside from mild discomfort. Some people are just selfish and shouldn’t be surprised when others view them as such.
With respect...
"I'll do what's right for me and I don't care about everyone else".
Fine if you live in a society of one.
Your attitude really stinks, but you already know that.
Lol who was that aimed at?

I was just highlighting the hypocrisy of entering nhs building

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not you my friend.
Don’t pick on my bigt lol
It’s good to question restrictions put on us.
All I fear is putting that power of masks in private company/commercial hands and dictating rules can be seen as oppressive.
I’ve had me jabs
I wear a mask when asked as set out by the government.
Now the times are changing
We need to move on
If this unlocking sees the death rates that we saw b4 then obviously the jabs don’t work and we need another strategy.
We will never have a zero infection rate so we have to come together as a country and say what is acceptable.
You can all shout at me and so NO deaths are acceptable but unfortunately that’s life ppl die

About 1200 a day
We need to move on
If this unlocking sees the death rates that we saw b4 then obviously the jabs don’t work and we need another strategy.
We will never have a zero infection rate so we have to come together as a country and say what is acceptable.
I completely understand the frustration, but would challenge that jabs alone are not a workable strategy at this juncture, I think that for too long the government have used the vaccination programme on its own as the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Now they are backtracking without wanting to seen to do so.

Jabs and a careful approach are not mutually exclusive.
Don’t pick on my bigt lol
It’s good to question restrictions put on us.
All I fear is putting that power of masks in private company/commercial hands and dictating rules can be seen as oppressive.
I’ve had me jabs
I wear a mask when asked as set out by the government.
Now the times are changing
We need to move on
If this unlocking sees the death rates that we saw b4 then obviously the jabs don’t work and we need another strategy.
We will never have a zero infection rate so we have to come together as a country and say what is acceptable.
You can all shout at me and so NO deaths are acceptable but unfortunately that’s life ppl die

About 1200 a day

LOL, it was aimed at me but I have skin like a rhino so found it funny to be honest.
I do now report the posts that get a bit personal because it doesn’t help me replying to them and just inflaming the situation like used to happen.

It would be easy to be judgemental and just assume that it will be business as usual with myself from Monday but that couldn’t be further from the truth, I will still be taking care it’s just that I do and always have believed face masks are repressive and don’t really achieve a lot in a real world setting, aside from the health issues they cause me personally.
Maybe in a laboratory test they have been proven to work but they are hardly a roaring success in a real world environment, look at South Korea and Japan where they are religious on wearing them for example, that’s without even looking at our own situation, if they really worked that well then we wouldn’t be having 50k cases a day.
Anyway after Monday I won’t be wearing one at all and I don’t care what anyone else thinks, just like the people going abroad on holiday, they don’t care either otherwise they wouldn’t be travelling, I’m holidaying in the UK as we speak so consider it even.
For the record - I’m not totally against the removal of face masks. However, in some settings, where you’re in close contact with people who you’d not usually be, masks are a sensible precaution to take. Uber is one example of a large company with the same view, as well as most travel companies. Those who don’t like it can simply find alternate services or put their big person pants on and wear what is, at the end of the day, a piece of fabric.
I do get a touch annoyed at the constant vilifying, on here and elsewhere, of anyone that dares question the view of "masks should be worn a great deal of the time, it's a minor inconvenience AND NOTHING MORE, and therefore if you don't want to wear one you are clearly a sociopath".

I understand the science behind mask wearing, understand that it's a helpful tool at reducing viral transmission, and has played a part in bringing the pandemic under control at certain points.

That most certainly doesn't mean I'm at all comfortable wearing one, I hate it - it's oppressive, irritating, uncomfortable and nasty, especially as a glasses wearer (which incidentally is something that I don't think many "masks must always be worn forevermore" people think about - it literally fogs my vision a lot of time time).

Equally, however, I'm not a douchebag - I have worn a mask in all scenarios where it has been necessary, without complaint, as I can see the benefit, and the benefit at the time outweighed the drawbacks.

However, we cannot carry on enforcing masks forever because I'm sorry no, for some they are not a "minor inconvenience". Will I be burning my mask on Monday? No, because there will still be some times where the benefits of wearing it (for others as well as myself) outweigh the drawbacks - on public transport, in some shopping scenarios (I'm not going to be wearing a mask in my local supermarket, if they don't mandate it, at 10pm at night when the next person is three aisles away), and other times at which it seems appropriate. But, where I can, I do very much look forward to finally removing it.

We've got to learn to live with this virus, we've got to move on - not overnight, but over a period of time. This coming from a person who very nearly lost his Mum to covid, when she was hospitalised for a fortnight last year, and who suffered from Covid himself at the same time, and prays he'll never experience anything so horrid again.
Have masks even done that much good? There's still quite a lot of research to suggest that masks have done very well at combating the winter flu bug this past year but haven't been anywhere near as successful at stopping Covid.

Vast majority of people were wearing masks last year and we still had a 2nd and 3rd wave.

Personally don't think I will wear mine from Monday. I have several gig tickets that have been rearranged several times and I have no intention of going to a rock gig and wearing a mask in a hot sweaty club. I'd pass out.

Think we need to get on with life now. Isolate if you get it and everyone else go back to as close to normal as possible.
Can we please keep this thread civil and respect each other opinions, even if you don't agree

From what I understand, is that you either need to be wearing high grade mask or wear triple layers and for them to be fitted correctly for the efficacy of the mask to be effective.

It has been shown that the rate of transmission of the virus to be no difference in countries where mask wearing is mandatory compared to those where it isn't.

The mention of the mask being burned in the poll was a bit of tongue in cheek and wasn't meant to be taken literally ;)

Roy :)

EDIT, here is what sage adviser say's about wearing cloth face mask. They are more of a comfort blanket and do little to curb covid spread.

"Dr Axon said that medics were "unable to comprehend" the miniscule elements at play, adding: "A Covid viral particle is around 100 nanometres, material gaps in blue surgical masks are up to 1,000 times that size, cloth mask gaps can be 500,000 times the size.

He warned some cloth masks have gaps which are invisible to the naked eye, but are 500,000 times the size of viral Covid particles.

"The small sizes are not easily understood but an imperfect analogy would be to imagine marbles fired at builders' scaffolding, some might hit a pole and rebound, but obviously most will fly through," he told The Telegraph."

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Without going over the whole argument again, I thought we already knew virus particles would fit through the holes in face coverings... but the virus particles aren't trying to get through the holes alone, they're embedded in the water droplets in your breath, and the water droplets can be stopped by the coverings.
I just think it's not that hard to wear one, I'll wear one dependent on the situation, but it's really not a bother if it's going to protect others in crowded spaces.
Without going over the whole argument again, I thought we already knew virus particles would fit through the holes in face coverings... but the virus particles aren't trying to get through the holes alone, they're embedded in the water droplets in your breath, and the water droplets can be stopped by the coverings.

Dr/scientist on TV this morning said that the mask protect others as oppose to the wearer. He was ask how effective the masks are, he replied "20% effective to stop the spread of covid.

I think masks were originally introduced as they thought that the virus was contained in water droplets, since then, they have now learned that the virus is more airborne than just contained in water droplets.

I can only go by what the scientist are saying. The more I'm hearing over the past few day from various scientist, the more I feel that masks are not going to make much of a difference.
Dr/scientist on TV this morning said that the mask protect others as oppose to the wearer. He was ask how effective the masks are, he replied "20% effective to stop the spread of covid.

I think masks were originally introduced as they thought that the virus was contained in water droplets, since then, they have now learned that the virus is more airborne than just contained in water droplets.

I can only go by what the scientist are saying. The more I'm hearing over the past few day from various scientist, the more I feel that masks are not going to make much of a difference.
It’s always possible (and fairly likely) the government are wheeling out selected scientists to rubbish the effectiveness of face masks so that they can justify the policy change. I do think removal of masks in shops etc is wise as you are constantly moving, but environments where you’re seated for a long time indoors it’s sensible to recommend them (as most are)
I do think removal of masks in shops etc is wise as you are constantly moving, but environments where you’re seated for a long time indoors it’s sensible to recommend them (as most are)

This is where eating in restaurants is complete bonkers and don't make sense. You are exempt from wearing a mask so that you can eat
So basically what we've deduced is - as of tomorrow we're in a place where people who only ever had to wear a mask for 20 mins in a shop or on public transport won't have to any more. But a bus driver sitting in his sweat box or a supermarket worker spending 12 hours smashing out soft drinks still will? So nobody really wins
So basically what we've deduced is - as of tomorrow we're in a place where people who only ever had to wear a mask for 20 mins in a shop or on public transport won't have to any more. But a bus driver sitting in his sweat box or a supermarket worker spending 12 hours smashing out soft drinks still will? So nobody really wins

Think most bus drivers are behind perspex aren't they? So they don't have to wear a mask even now. Same with a lot of shop workers
Think most bus drivers are behind perspex aren't they? So they don't have to wear a mask even now. Same with a lot of shop workers
Admittedly I don't ever ride a bus but those I've seen (whilst driving myself) the drivers are wearing masks. I suppose that will depend on the operating company. In supermarkets, the mask rule was regardless of perspex unless exempt. If they're working stock (which is very tough in this heat with a mask on) they won't be exempt from wearing one.
Not convinced that lockdowns or masks have been all that effective.

The only way out of this is a vaccine. This was always going to be the case and other measures were simply needed whilst they were being developed.

My advice to people is don't be a moron and get a jab. Trust in science and Doctors rather than people who went to the University of Facebook or the University of Conspiracy Theories and then just get on with life.

Anyone who gets seriously ill and then is hospitalised from covid, who hasn't had a vaccine, I have very little sympathy for I'm sorry to say. That's on you. I feel more sorry for the doctors and nurses (my wife being one) who have to attend to you.
For what it's worth (probably nothing), I'd say my train this morning was probably 30% busier, perhaps a little more.

What was interesting was that mask wearing is probably up from a percentage perspective - perhaps about 50% of passengers.