I do get a touch annoyed at the constant vilifying, on here and elsewhere, of anyone that dares question the view of "masks should be worn a great deal of the time, it's a minor inconvenience AND NOTHING MORE, and therefore if you don't want to wear one you are clearly a sociopath".
I understand the science behind mask wearing, understand that it's a helpful tool at reducing viral transmission, and has played a part in bringing the pandemic under control at certain points.
That most certainly doesn't mean I'm at all comfortable wearing one, I hate it - it's oppressive, irritating, uncomfortable and nasty, especially as a glasses wearer (which incidentally is something that I don't think many "masks must always be worn forevermore" people think about - it literally fogs my vision a lot of time time).
Equally, however, I'm not a douchebag - I have worn a mask in all scenarios where it has been necessary, without complaint, as I can see the benefit, and the benefit at the time outweighed the drawbacks.
However, we cannot carry on enforcing masks forever because I'm sorry no, for some they are not a "minor inconvenience". Will I be burning my mask on Monday? No, because there will still be some times where the benefits of wearing it (for others as well as myself) outweigh the drawbacks - on public transport, in some shopping scenarios (I'm not going to be wearing a mask in my local supermarket, if they don't mandate it, at 10pm at night when the next person is three aisles away), and other times at which it seems appropriate. But, where I can, I do very much look forward to finally removing it.
We've got to learn to live with this virus, we've got to move on - not overnight, but over a period of time. This coming from a person who very nearly lost his Mum to covid, when she was hospitalised for a fortnight last year, and who suffered from Covid himself at the same time, and prays he'll never experience anything so horrid again.