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WWTP Radio, Thorpe Park's iconic radio station!

So an interesting fact about WWTP radio at Stealth that I've not seen posted here (and not sure how well known it is), is the way in which it originally* worked.

The system comprised of two media players (Golding DMS3000 units for fellow AV nerds 🤓); one for jingles, one for music tracks. Each was set to play in a random order (but complete all tracks before starting again in a new random order).

One player would trigger, and play a random jingle. The end of this audio file would create a trigger sent to the other media player, to play a random music file. The end of that audio file would create a trigger sent to the first media player, to play a random jingle... and so on and so on.

In this way, you get a random mix of music and jingles, constantly changing, never in the same order, and thus having the illusion of being extremely long! I mean it was extremely long - with over 45 jingles and 150 music files - but the random nature just added to the illusion. Ingenious really.

* - in later years, it was definitely just a single long mix-down track - in fact I've no idea how long the above lasted for, though I imagine a fair few years from the ride's opening in 2006. My guess is that it would've been replaced with the simpler single mix-down track around the time Project Link occurred, linking all the park's audio infrastructure, around the 2013-15 mark.
Now this is pretty interesting, must say! Never knew that, how'd you find all that out?
Hi all, was just wondering whether any of you think we'll ever see the currently used Tidal Wave WWTP loop leaked or released anywhere like the Stealth one 🤔
Around 2021-22, The Swarm had a radio show as well created by Nick Hutson which featured a fictional news bulletin, sounds from an alien invasion, music that references the end of the world including REM and of course You Me At Six, and the occasional joke advert.
From: https://youtu.be/tBdrVMErHDo?si=jsuTzjFABE2mHp4v

(At 6:00 there is a very niche joke that references SIX the musical, I remember hearing it on park and absolutely losing it, afterwards I thought my mind had made it up until rediscovering it earlier).