Been lurking a few days, thought I’d now say hi
Until a couple of years ago I’d not been to any parks since the late 90’s, fondly remember school and college trips to Alton when Nemesis and Oblivion were brand new and the Big One at BPB. Also used to go to the likes of Camelot (very local) and American Adventure Park.
Got back into parks after taking my daughter to Gullivers, Warrington and she absolutely loved it, so much so we went again the week after. This soon turned into trips to Alton Towers, BPB and even Disneyland Paris in 2022 (despite having to rebook the trip 4 times thanks to Covid).
She’s not able to go to the parks now for a few years after a recent operation but will be tall enough to go on everything by then, last time at AT she was just about tall enough for 13 (she loved this) and Wickerman (she hated this)
A group of friends also like the parks so had a few other trips out and planning an AT on the 24th April, hopefully operations are a bit better by the than having read through the thread for that topic
Favourite rides of mine would be Galactica and Wickerman, looking forward to going on Nemesis Reborn. Last time on Nemesis was after 20 years and the last inversion wrecked me