There are risks with any option - but I do believe a safe system of restraint can be achieved. Compare a flipped raft without restraints - there's going to be a lot of momevement of people as it flips, potentially causing severe injury. Airbags in cars can mi's-fire (causing injury/death), but the benefits outweigh the risks.
It's a natural reaction to try and avoid a tidal wave of water coming at you - hence why people stand/move around inside the raft. (Of coure, not in Florida where it is usually welcome) Perhaps seat belts don't even have to be "locked" - are riders are less likely to undo their seat belt to stand up, compared to no seat belt??
Much as I'm a fan of Darwin's selection process, it's not a great legal argument.
It's a natural reaction to try and avoid a tidal wave of water coming at you - hence why people stand/move around inside the raft. (Of coure, not in Florida where it is usually welcome) Perhaps seat belts don't even have to be "locked" - are riders are less likely to undo their seat belt to stand up, compared to no seat belt??
Much as I'm a fan of Darwin's selection process, it's not a great legal argument.