So what do we have here then??
Foam Factory Proposed extension to create a changing area. It is noted that the retheming of theexisting Foam Factory building does not require planning permission and is excluded
from the proposals.
Cabin Buildings Demolition of existing cabins and erection of new Back Of House (B.O.H) buildings
N/A New Toilet Block
Entrance Barn Section of barn to be demolished and remainder re-themed. It is noted that the
retheming of the building does not require planning permission.
Boat Ride New themed characters to be added to the ride. It is noted that the retheming of the
ride does not require planning permission and is excluded from the proposals.
Tractor Ride New themed characters to be added to the ride and new bunding. It is noted that the retheming of the ride does not require planning permission and is excluded from the
Big Top Demolition of Big Top
Dung Heap Demolition of Dung Heap
Dove Cote Demolition of Dove Cote
N/A Installation of new festival tents
N/A Installation of new canopy – open sided structures that do not create additional floor
N/A Installation of 3.5m acoustic fence. No additional floor area
The application site is located towards the north west of Alton Towers Resort and is predominantly a children’s area of the theme park which incorporates small rides and play areas. The proposed re-theming will refresh Old MacDonald’s Farm and Storybook Land whilst maintaining the existing attractions, and developing new entertainment opportunities that are of a similar scale to those existing. The contemporary re-theming of the site will complement the other themed areas which are regularly refreshed and added to at Alton TowersResort.
The site area is 0.97 ha with the demolition of 1674.4 sqm of floorspace and erection of 417sqm of new floorspace in us class D2 (assembly and leisure). The overall loss of 1,275.4 sqm of floorspace is planned across five areas within the application site; Demolition of existing cabins and erection of new Back Of House (B.O.H) area and the Demolition of the Big Top and creation of new Village Green with Entertainment Marquee Area, the addition of a new toilet block, extension of an existing toilet block and the conversion and extension of the existing back of house barn. The proposals also include the re-theming of a number of other buildings
and rides within the application site. A full schedule of the proposals is outlined in the table below.