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2023: General Discussion

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Never queue for more than half an hour for 95% of my rides at Blackpool, our typical wait is fifteen minutes roughly.
It might be typical for Merlin parks.
We're not thinking about capacity here. Towers will be able to hold far more people than Blackpool, hence the longer queues. The more people in a park, the longer you wait
We're not thinking about capacity here. Towers will be able to hold far more people than Blackpool, hence the longer queues. The more people in a park, the longer you wait
Capacity isn't the issue, its the number of people in the park and the number of attractions. 2000 people in each park might result in very different results.
I don’t think anyone’s debating that Alton gets more visitors than Blackpool but to think that’s it’s ok to be waiting 1.5/2 hours for a ride is insane. Suggesting that people should expect it is even worse. I think the point is being missed a little bit here, so I don’t really know what else I can add to it 😂
We're not thinking about capacity here. Towers will be able to hold far more people than Blackpool, hence the longer queues. The more people in a park, the longer you wait
You said most parks get queues similar to the Towers.
I said Blackpool, amongst others... doesn't.
Lots of parks don't get Towers like queues...simple fact.
No mention of capacity at all.
I don’t think anyone’s debating that Alton gets more visitors than Blackpool but to think that’s it’s ok to be waiting 1.5/2 hours for a ride is insane. Suggesting that people should expect it is even worse. I think the point is being missed a little bit here, so I don’t really know what else I can add to it 😂
Towers can add as many flats as they want the coasters will still have long queues
Towers can add as many flats as they want the coasters will still have long queues
A 90+ minute queue for anything at EP would be one of the very busiest days of the year, with thousands upon thousands of guests on park. But only a handful of the most popular rides will ever reach that point. You’ll still find Silverstar on 30-40, Mir on 40, Eurosat no more than 60, etc etc, with the rest of the rides being between 5-30 mins a piece. The real sufferers tend to be water rides on busy days.

Last year I went to Plopsaland and Walibi Belgium on an August Saturday and Sunday - 2 fairly major parks each with a huge new coaster. We didn’t wait more than 20 minutes at any one point for either.
Towers can add as many flats as they want the coasters will still have long queues
You’re missing the point completely. The fact is, they wouldn’t if we’ve got filler rides. Without them, everyone is going on the coasters. They shouldn’t be getting up to 2 hours, and the only reason they are is because of lack of filler (and no the retro squad don’t count)
You’re missing the point completely. The fact is, they wouldn’t if we’ve got filler rides. Without them, everyone is going on the coasters. They shouldn’t be getting up to 2 hours, and the only reason they are is because of lack of filler (and no the retro squad don’t count)
Oh you're right because Ripsaw Submission and the flume stopped Smiler from getting 2 hour queues
Submission was crap, Ripsaw was on it's last legs and the Flume was around when Smiler was still the shiny new attraction so I don't think that's a fair assessment to be honest.

If they installed good rides from decent manufacturers (no SBF rubbish please) there's no reason to think queues wouldn't be lower on the major coasters.
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Can we not start this discussion yet again please, it's been done to death over the years already and has very little to do with 2023 discussion. There's plenty of other topics talking about flat rides you'd like to see, whether the park is turning a corner with recent changes or the topic about the Retrosquad rides as just a few examples where this sort of talk is more suitable.

The 2023 topic is for discussing the changes which we know are happening, or are likely to happen this year. Thanks.
Events teaser has just been posted on socials. They are 6 question marks. Festival of Thrills, Mardi Gras, Oktoberfest, Scarefest, Christmas I assume are 5 of them. Who knows what the other could be, new summer event maybe?
I spent a couple days on park and Festival of Thrills just happened to be on, and - gotta be brutally honest - it didn't work at all for me. I found it exceptionally awkward, especially when they had actors pretending to be really into the music and trying to get people to dance to a sub-par cover of some random song. There were several occasions where I avoided the stage areas to get from A to B - really hope it doesn't return.
I spent a couple days on park and Festival of Thrills just happened to be on, and - gotta be brutally honest - it didn't work at all for me. I found it exceptionally awkward, especially when they had actors pretending to be really into the music and trying to get people to dance to a sub-par cover of some random song. There were several occasions where I avoided the stage areas to get from A to B - really hope it doesn't return.
Glad I'm not the only one who didn't like them. They really took you out of the immersion personally. It felt really cheap as well.
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