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[2023] The Curse at Alton Manor

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Speaking of which I forgot to mention, the meme aged better than we thought, well played @Batzy I have to say.
If I may add my own reaction XD

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Just thinking about the “Wait till Midnight” on the wall in the pop-up. Could that be insinuating that there will be something in the rides story surrounding maybe something going wrong or the dolls coming alive when a clock strikes midnight? Maybe as you go through the Trommel as others have suggested with the swirls on the wall that the words surround?

Could be clutching at straws here, I am still half asleep.
Oh lord, my prediction about the duck came true...

Animated GIF

I genuinely don't believe, something I said as a joke about over a year ago has actually been, somewhat, taken to heart by some idiots at MMM who want to give me PTSD and use it in someways for the new ride. They do read these forums, I'm stunned...what have I done?

Why do I feel that that likely the lost swamp monster scene will be reinstated but have the duck emerging from the waters? Likely I won't be the only one who will have long memories about that spawn of Satan...anyway, I'm going off topic. It's just that it's rare that I'm utterly taken aback when something I mention becomes true.

It would be nice to think that MMM read the forum and take ideas from it but just because something is mentioned on the forums doesn’t mean it inspired it.

It’s not a huge leap if you are designing a theme around a haunted child’s dolls house to think “ohh we have that creepy duck from flume in storage, that might work”.
Hahaha We can only hope! They were terrifying enough on their own, but what if they look all moldy and broken

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I wouldn't think so, the duck was IIRC made of a thick plastic/fiberglass material that gives it pretty strong durability and assuming it is still in that Flume tunnel after all these years it would have been well protected in which all they'd have to do is wipe clear anything on it and it's good as new and maybe tweak it cosmetically for any changes needed.
It would be nice to think that MMM read the forum and take ideas from it but just because something is mentioned on the forums doesn’t mean it inspired it.

It’s not a huge leap if you are designing a theme around a haunted child’s dolls house to think “ohh we have that creepy duck from flume in storage, that might work”.
That is true, but when you look back in the locked Duel thread, I believe it was me who first joked about bringing the duck back for the refurb and since then it somewhat caught wind in which outside of TS I've noticed others starting the suggest the same thing.

Assuming many at MMM have grown up with the park and know of its history, perhaps someone did suggest putting the duck in for good use and let's face, this wouldn't be the first time a park has reused an old animatronic from a closed ride and put somewhere else, Disney have always done this at their parks. Perhaps it is a crazy coincidence that maybe what I joked about was actually something that was planned with MMM as a fun Easter egg joke from the start?

God, this is about a Haunted House and now all we can talk about is the Demon Duck making a comeback! 😂
All you can talk about is the bloody duck coming back.
The fact that the duck upstairs just happens to share the same colour as said duck seems to all but confirm that it will play a part in the attraction one way or the other. Had it not been there as part of this event then I would have not have said anything and likely that would have been the end of the duck jokes but alas Towers have unlocked a can of worms! :p

Anyway, back on topic, with all the other props on show it does mean that likely they'll all be seen on the ride such as maybe the crib and the rocking horse might have something to do with the attraction. Likely means the rocking horse will remain the queue line as is though the crib could be part of a bedroom sequence if each scene might be about the different rooms of said doll's house?
An "eerie" and hair-rising new ride will be launched at a Staffordshire theme park next month after a mysterious attraction promoting it opened in London.

Alton Towers launched a haunted doll's house on London's Isle of Dogs to promote The Curse at Alton Manor which is set to be opened on March 18.
Crowds of people were given a series of "supernatural clues" and teasers including a string of sinister messages. of what awaits when the ride opens.
The experience culminated in the first sighting of Emily Alton – the child from the original haunted house, whose demonic exploits inspired the ride.
Bianca Sammut, divisional director at Alton Towers Resort, said: “The British public remain gripped by a desire to be shocked and surprised.

“We hope we haven’t given too many people nightmares with their first taste of The Curse at Alton Manor and their introduction to Emily.
“If visitors thought this haunted doll’s house was impressive, they will be in for a serious surprise this Spring. Our experts have been crafting new and spectacular special effects and visuals that have never been seen before from a UK theme park.

“If you feel you’re brave enough, join us from March 18 to uncover the secrets of her transformation from a once sweet and curious child to a vessel of evil.”
As well as showcasing spectacular visuals, which the recent pop-up doll’s house alluded to, The Curse at Alton Manor will also bring special effects that will be a first for a UK theme park - from twisted projection mapping technology that transports riders into Emily’s own dollhouse, to mirrors that play tricks by blurring the line between reality and her demonic world."

Make of that last line what you will.
Based on what we've been seeing/hearing over the past few days, I am thinking that the trommel will still be in the updated ride, but still not functioning, instead being used as a projection surface to recreate the spinning effect. And the new press release would suggest that the tunnel of doom facade will now be replaced by the opening dolls house we've been seeing in the promos.

If so, it could actually be a really fun effect and starts to reveal the storyline for the ride. Everything before the trommel is the normal-sized house, reusing the grand hall, everything after is inside the dolls house, where things like giant spiders would make sense.
Bruh, I seriously don't understand your hatred for projection mapping. Projection mapping is 100x better than screens and so much more believable if done right. Don't judge a book by its cover, wait until the 18th March and then judge it.
How many times have we given Alton Towers a go with their rides, with only 1 living up to those expectations for the last 5 years (Gees, Wicker Man is 5 years old already) I personally don't get a sense of immersion or enjoyment from screen or projections, no matter how well done they are. When I see physical sets and moving props, I feel encapsulated and immersed, like I'm not in a warehouse. Projections or screens just aren't my taste sorry.
Projection mapping is used to good effect in Phantom Manor when the house changes from dilapidated to how it was before the earthquake.
I am usually indifferent to projection mapping. I usually prefer physical props, but I will wait until the ride opens to judge.
How many times have we given Alton Towers a go with their rides, with only 1 living up to those expectations for the last 5 years (Gees, Wicker Man is 5 years old already) I personally don't get a sense of immersion or enjoyment from screen or projections, no matter how well done they are. When I see physical sets and moving props, I feel encapsulated and immersed, like I'm not in a warehouse. Projections or screens just aren't my taste sorry.
Duel had moving props. There's no way you felt immersed in a ride that was in such a poor state as it was :tearsofjoy:
as others have said, when projection mapping is done well, it really is great

EDIT: moving onto a separate point, they've said how she has gone from a sweet child to a vessel of evil, so perhaps the ride will start with her being an innocent child wanting to play hide and seek, and then as the ride progresses, she becomes a more sinister character. Perhaps something to do with the clock striking 12 or something
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